Leyde et Rotterdam, Ex Officina Hackiana, 1666. In-8, [16]-1015-[36] pp., veau moucheté havane, triple filet doré en encadrement sur les plats, dos à nerfs orné de caissons dorés, tranches rouges (petits manques et épidermures, rares rousseurs et taches).
Reference : 20527
Jolie édition hollandaise des oeuvres de Virgile annotée par Cornelius Schrevelius. Elle est ornée d'un titre gravé. * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve.
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Reference : albe974a1d0f55d6865
Kuhn C. Aretaiou kappadokou apanta / Aretaei cappadocis opera omnia Medicorum graecorum opera quae instant. Volumen XXIV. In English (ask us if in doubt)/Kuhn C. Aretaiou kappadokou apanta/Aretaei cappadocis opera omnia Medicorum graecorum opera quae exstant. Volumen XXIV. Lipsae. 1828. LXXXII 366 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbe974a1d0f55d6865
Reference : alb586339bb45e25b4b
M. Tullii Ciceronis opera omnia. Ex recensione Io. Ernesti qui et notas suas adiecit. Vol. 2 par. 1: Orations. Vol. 2 par. 2: Orationes. Vol. 3 par. 1: Epistolae ad diversos. Vol. 4 par. 1: Opera philosoph.. Io. Augusti Ernesti clavis ciceroniana s In English (ask us if in doubt)/M. Tullii Ciceronis opera omnia. Ex recensione Io. Aug. Ernesti qui et notas suas adiecit. Vol. 2 pars 1: Orationes. Vol. 2 pars 2: Orationes. Vol. 3 pars 1: Epistolae ad diversos. Vol. 4 pars 1: Opera philosoph.. Io. Augusti Ernesti clavis ciceroniana s Halis Saxonum In Orphanotropheo 1773 1774 1776 1777. 848. 849-1696. 510. VIII 1200. XVI 910c. SKUalb586339bb45e25b4b.
Quorum operum quae antea, et ubi, et quae nunc sint edita, praefatio ostendet. Ex Tipographia Remondiniana, Venetiis, 1764. In folio (mm. 384x241), 5 volumi, cartonato rustico coevo, tit. ms. al dorso, pp. (18),XVI,244; VIII,96,XII,427; LXXXIV,256; 388; VI,(2),120,75,84; marca tipografica ai frontespizi, testo su due colonne, ornati da grandi iniziali, testate e finali inc. su legno, con 2 bei ritratti dell'Autore (al I e al III vol.) inc. in rame dal Renard. L'opera, illustrata da 11 tavole f.t., inc. in rame, comprende: "Adversaria Anatomica Omnia - Epistolas anatomicas duodeviginti - De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis - Opuscula miscellanea"."Prima edizione dell'Opera Omnia".Cfr. Castiglioni, pp. 607/608 - Blake, p. 312 - Wellcome,IV, p. 179 - Brunet,III,1902. Graesse,IV,607 e Olschki,VII,9970, citano tutti l'ediz. di Venezia, 1765.Innumeri sono le scoperte del forlivese Morgagni (1682-1771) nel campo dell'anatomia tanto che, vivente, meritò il titolo di "Anatomicorum totius Europae princeps".Fresco esemplare, molto ben conservato.
Reference : albd2f264aba96ca67d
Nencki Marceli. Opera Omnia. 1869 1885 1886 1901. Collection of works. In 2 volumes In German (ask us if in doubt)./Nencki Marceli. Opera Omnia. 1869 1885 1886 1901. Sobranie sochineniy. V 2 tomakh In German. Brunswick Vieweg 1904. 840 and 893c. SKUalbd2f264aba96ca67d.
SUAREZ Francisco S.J. (ANDRE M. & BERTON Carolus, eds.) / NOEL Franciscus S.J.
Reference : R66464
Parisiis [Paris] / Petit-Montrouge, apud Ludovicum Vivès / J.-P. Migne 1856-1878 (1963) / 1858 'Opera omnia' complete in 28 volumes: 26 volumes + 2 volumes of indices, text in latin, original 1856-1878-edition (except 'Indices'), Editio nova (second edition, the first of which was printed in 1740-1751 in Venice), 27cm., text printed in 2 columns, all vols. including the compendium are uniformely bound (cart.cover with marbled plates, gilt lettering & decorations on leather spines, marbled endpapers) except for the indices (vols.27-28, anastatic reprint of the Paris 1878-edition: Bruxelles, Culture et civilisation, 1963, 29cm., full cloth), few foxing, small library stamp at titlepages, nice set in a beautiful binding, to which is added: 'Summa seu Compendium' by Fr.Noel (complete in 2 volumes, original Migne-edition of 1858), [Opera omnia: cfr. De Backer & Sommervogel, VII col.1680 no.24, Suarez Franciscus S.J., Grenada 1548 - Lisbon 1617 / Compendium: cfr. De Backer & Sommervogel V col.1793 no.12, Franciscus Noel, Hestrud 1651 -Lille 1729], R66464
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