Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), Avrova, 1988. 4to, 227 pp., publisher's cloth, color illustrated dust jacket.
Reference : 16991
Nice monograph on Ivan Bilibin, abundantly illustrated, text in Russian. Very good condition. * Voir photographie(s) / See picture(s). * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve.
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Reference : albf6b938c309e62939
Pushkin A. S. Ivan Bilibin. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. Drawings by I. Y. Bilibin. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Pushkin A. S.Ivan Bilibin . Skazka o zolotom petushke. Risunki I. Ya. Bilibina. Expedition for the procurement of government papers 1910. 12c. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbf6b938c309e62939
Reference : alb2089d821c7914ff4
Verizhnikova T.F. Ivan Bilibin. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Verizhnikova T.F. Ivan Bilibin.. Spb. 2011. 176 p. SKUalb2089d821c7914ff4.
Reference : alb1849a99217940504
Tale: The Tsarevna-Frog. Drawings by Ivan Bilibin. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Skazka: Tsarevna-Lyagushka.Risunki Ivana Bilibina. St. Petersburg. State Paper Preparation Expedition 1901. 10s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb1849a99217940504
Reference : alb2aeccd336b09c56b
Bilibin Ivan Yakovlevich. Bilateral lithography The Tale of Ivan Tsaryevich the Firebird and the Gray Wolf. Ivan Tsaryevich at the Stone Column. Tsar Afron and Ivan Tsaryevich. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Bilibin Ivan Yakovlevich. Dvukhstoronnyaya litografiya Skazka ob Ivane-tsareviche Zhar-ptitse i o serom volke. Ivan-tsarevich u kamennogo stolba. Tsar Afron i Ivan-tsarevich.. St. Petersburg 1899 (imprint 1901). Sheet size: 25x32 sm. SKUalb2aeccd336b09c56b.
Reference : albc66358e989329071
Bilibin Ivan. Contes de lisba Tales from a hut. In French (ask us if in doubt)/Bilibin Ivan. Contes de lisba Skazki iz izby. Short description: In French (ask us if in doubt).Russian Folk Tales. In French. Paris. 1931. 158 p We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbc66358e989329071