Musée d'Orsay/Editions Skira, Paris, 2016. In-4, 39 pp. Relié cartonnage éditeur illustré en couleurs. Bon exemplaire. Très nombreuses illustrations.
Reference : 6704
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Cogeval, Guy; Paul Perrin, Yves Badetz, Marie-Claude Vial
Reference : 113501
ISBN : 9782370740427
Cogeval, Guy; Paul Perrin, Yves Badetz, Marie-Claude Vial: Spectaculaire Second Empire. Exhibition: Paris, MusÃe d'Orsay, 2016. 320 pages; 350 illustrations. Hardback. 28 x 24cms. To celebrate its 30th anniversary in autumn 2016, the MusÃe d'Orsay is looking at the entertainments and festivities of the Second Empire and at the different 'stages' on which our modernity was invented. The exhibition's thematic lay-out, with paintings, sculptures, photographs, architectural drawings, objets d'art and jewellery side by side, creates a portrait of this prolific and brilliant era, so rich in contradictions. Text in French.
To celebrate its 30th anniversary in autumn 2016, the MusÃe dâOrsay is looking at the entertainments and festivities of the Second Empire and at the different 'stages' on which our modernity was invented. The exhibitionâs thematic lay-out, with paintings, sculptures, photographs, architectural drawings, objets dâart and jewellery side by side, creates a portrait of this prolific and brilliant era, so rich in contradictions. Text in French
Musée d'Orsay/Editions Skira, Paris, 2016. In-4, cartonnage éditeur illustré en couleurs, 319 pp. La fête perpétuelle, Guy Cogeval - Comédie du pouvoir et "Fête impériale" : La fête impériale et la comédie du pouvoir. Une histoire politique du Second Empire, Xavier Mauduit - Les diamants de la couronne sous le Second Empire, Anne ...
Nombreuses illustrations en noir et en couleurs? --- Plus d'informations sur le site
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Reference : ABE-1715192650322
MUSEE D'ORSAY-SKIRA 2016 Hardcover New
320 PAGES-24,5 CM X 28,8 CM-(EM524)
EVERGREEN; Illustrated édition (28 septembre 2016)
Neuf sous cellophane!!