Obelisk Gallery, London, 1961. In-12 format à l'italienne, broché sous couverture illustrée en noir et blanc, 44 pp. Bon exemplaire. Avec 8 planches en noir et blanc. Envoi autographe signé de Philippe M. Laski.
Reference : 6397
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Obelisk Gallery, London, 1961. In-12 format à l'italienne, broché sous couverture illustrée en noir et blanc, 44 pp. Acknowledgments. Philip M. Laski - Biographical notes - The Art of Ressemblance. René Magritte - Catalogue of eExhibition - Appreciations of Magritte : Jean Arp. - André Bosmans. - Pierre Bourgeois. - André Breton. - Gérard van Bruane. - Achille ...
Avec 8 planches en noir et blanc. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
, mercatorfonds, 2012 Hardcover with dust-jacket, Pages: 160, Format: 32.5 x 24.5 cm .Beautiful reproductions and extensive documentation of 130 previously unpublished and newly attributed works of Rene Magritte..English ISBN 978 90 6153 989 6 ISBN 9789061539896.
Rene Magritte (18981967) was a surrealist artist whose thought-provoking works used ordinary objects to challenge how viewers perceived reality. His extensive oeuvre was documented in a comprehensive five-volume project, led by distinguished art critic and writer David Sylvester. In the years that followed the publication of the final volume in 1997, numerous works purporting to be by Magritte appeared on the art market. Under the auspices of the Fondation Magritte, a committee was established to verify the authenticity of newly discovered works as well as those previously recorded as whereabouts unknown or listed as appendix items in the original volumes of the Rene Magritte Catalogue Raisonne.Designed as an art book, Rene Magritte: Newly Discovered Works includes color illustrations of 130 previously unpublished or unknown works authenticated by the committee between September 2000 and March 2010. Like its predecessors, this volume is the culmination of years of research, which synthesizes new discoveries about the artworks and details of the life of Magritte himself. Accompanying text and comparative documentation provide a wealth of complementary information, including the circumstances of a works discovery, references to letters, quotations in their original languages, and citations from previous volumes.
Fonds Mercator, Bruxelles/Menil Foundation, Houston/Fondation Magritte, Bruxelles, 2012. In-4, cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs, 163 pp. Forewords by Magritte Foundation, Menil Collection and Foundation, Comité Magritte - Preface, by Sarah Whitfield - Catalogue : Oil Paintings. - Gouaches. - Drawings - Bibliography - Exhibitions.
Nombreuses planches en noir et en couleurs.Texte en anglais. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41