London, "Academy Architecture", Royal Academy - Edinburgh, Royal Scottish Academy - Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts, 1893-1900. 24,5 x 19 cm, 14 vol. reliés de même, demi-chagrin brun. Collection du numéro 7 au numéro 14 de cette publication entièrement illustrée. A partir de 1895 les livraisons se font en deux volumes puis en 1896 le nom change pour : Academy architecture and architectural review. Petites éraflures aux dos, accidents aux coiffes des vol. 11-2 et 14-2.
Reference : 4657
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KOCH Alex. - Charles William ENGLISH ( publisher ) - ACADEMY ARCHITECTURE and Annual Architectural Review :
Reference : 35319
".: London, published by Alex Koch, and C.W. English, 1889-1928, small in-4°, annual, later bi-annual. AVAILABLE; volumes 1-60 (1889-1928). All issues are bound in the well known blue publisher's cloth, except vol. 50 which, (due to war circumstances) has a printed stiff wrapper. The periodical ran until 1931 so in this series only the last three volumes are missing. Added is a separately published index on the first 21 vols. The periodical contains comprehensive surveys of important projects and buildings, usually reproduced by the architects' original drawings, together with photographs of the completed buildings. The work of Street, Waterhouse, Norman Shaw, Sedding, Collcut, Robson, Voysey, Luytens and many others is represented. Most of the several thousand illustrations cannot be found anywhere else. The post-war volumes are very hard to find. We have many separate issues available. Please enquire by e-mail for availability and price of loose issues."
KOCH Alex. - Charles William ENGLISH ( publisher ) - ACADEMY ARCHITECTURE and Annual Architectural Review :
Reference : 40719
".: 0. London, published by Alex Koch, and C.W. English, 1889-1928, small in-4°, annual, later bi-annual. AVAILABLE; many volumes, some in the publisher's wrapper, other in the blue publisher's cloth. Please inquire by e-mail. Prices start at 40 Euro . Postwar copies are more expensive. The periodical contains comprehensive surveys of important projects and buildings, usually reproduced by the architects' original drawings, together with photographs of the completed buildings. The work of Street, Waterhouse, Norman Shaw, Sedding, Collcut, Robson, Voysey, Luytens and many others is represented. Most of the several thousand illustrations cannot be found anywhere else. The post-war volumes are very hard to find. Price per volume, please specify."