Königsberg, Nicolovius, 1798. 8vo. In contemporary marbled paper covered boards with gilt lettering to spine. Previous owner's names in contemporary hand to pasted down front end-paper and front free end-paper. First leaves slightly browned, a nice copy. XIV, 334 pp.
Reference : 61782
First edition of Kant's major contribution to empirical psychology, in which he attempted a classification of mental diseases. It was developed from lecture notes for a number of successful classes taught by Kant from 1772 to 1796 at the Albertus Universität in then Königsberg, Germany. Scholars Victor L. Dowdell and Hans H. Rudnick, for example, have argued that Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View constitutes the best way for layperson readers to begin learning Kant's philosophy 'To some extent the division of subjects in this book helped inadvertently to establish the three-fold classification of mental experiences, namely, knowing, feeling and willing, in place of the traditional two-fold classification, namely, cognition and appetition' (Wolf). The present work was the subject of Michel Foucault's doctoral dissertation. Garrison & Morton 4969Norman 1201Warda 195Wellcome II, 378
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