Paris, L'Imprimerie Royale, 1824 8vo. In later half cloth with gilt lettering and stamp to spine. Three small stamps to title-page, otherwise a fine copy. (4), 104 pp.
Reference : 57586
Rare first French translation of Horsburgh's pilot to the Coast of Mozambique and Madagascar. His sailing instructions served as reference documents for all sailors in the early nineteenth century.
Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
William Schneider
Silkegade 11
1113 Copenhagen
+45 33 155 335
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Paris Imprimerie royale 1824 in-8 cartonnage Bradel de papier marbré de l'époque, pièce de titre cerise, coins abîmés
2, 104 pp.Polak, 7057. Grandidier I, 2503. Unique édition. L'opuscule donne une traduction d'une petite partie du monumental India directory (en fait, Directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, Cape of Good Hope, and the interjacent ports, compiled chiefly from original journals and observations made during 21 years' experience in navigating those seas, 1817) de l'hydrographe écossais James Horsburgh (1762-1836), employé par la British East India company. L'ouvrage était la Bible de la navigation en Orient jusqu'aux années 1850