(Paris: Gauthier-Villars), 1865. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences"", Vol 61, No 13. Pp. (493-) 535. (Entire issue offered). Pasteur's paper: pp. 506-512.
Reference : 51112
First printing of Pasteur's first report on the silkworm disease. Between 1855 and 1865 a widespread epidemic among silk worms called pebrine alarmed the south of France, so much so that finally, in 1865, it drew national attention. In June 1865 the government sent Pasteur down to investigate the disease, and the first report was already finished by the 25th of September, the paper offered. Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"", 1865 B. - Bunch 1865, Biology.
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Toulouse Douladoure 1862 in-8 de 6 pp. broché, couv. muette
Extrait du Journal d'Agriculture pratique et d'Economie rurale pour le Midi de la France