(Geneva), Stephanus Gamonetus, 1605. 4to. Contemp. full vellum. Binding a bit soiled. printers woodcut device on title-page. (40),191,315,(13),32,(20) pp. Old name cut from lower corner of title-page (no loss of letters). Some old names on title-page, among these the Danes A.B. Drachmann, Hartvig Frisch. Front free endpaper lacks. Internally clean.
Reference : 49956
A fine printed and early edition with Casaubon's commentaries.""Isaac Casaubon was the first who wrote a valuable commentary on Suetonius, and his edition is greatly to be preferred to every preceding""(Dibdin II:440).
Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
William Schneider
Silkegade 11
1113 Copenhagen
+45 33 155 335
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