(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1891. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 112, No 5. Pp. (265-) 324 (entire issue offered). The papers: pp. 274-277.
Reference : 49887
First printing of Lippmann's milestone (and Nobel Price-) paper in which he describes how he - for the first time - produced fixed photocromes by direct exposure from nature. Lippmann is honoured with the Nobel prize in physics in 1908 ""for his method of reproducing colours photographically based on the phenomenon of interference.""""Lippmann presented to the Paris Academy... (the paper offered) on February 2, 1891, his report on photochromy, in which he described his famous method of photography in colors, the so-called ""interferende"" method, based on the action of stationary waves... His first experiments were carried on with silver bromide albumen plates sensitized for color with cyanine. His successfull experiments in the reproduction of the solar spectrum in its colors arousd much attention in the scientific world, because he had solved the problem of direct photography in natural colors on silver haloid layers and the fixation of the color images.""(Eder ""History of Photography"", p. 668).
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