(Paris, Bachelier, 1851). 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 33, No 22. Pp. (589-) 632 (entire issue offered). Talbot's paper: pp. 623-627.
Reference : 49876
First printing of the paper in which Talbot describes how he worked out the method of instant photography. He patented it in 1852 and 1858. ""The beginning of high speed photography might be considered to be William Henry Fox Talbot's experiment in 1851. He attached a page of the London Times newspaper to a wheel, which was rotated in front of his wet plate camera in a darkened room. As the wheel rotated, Talbot exposed a few square inches of the newspaper page for about 1/2000th of a second, using spark illumination from Leyden jars. This experiment resulted in a readable image.""
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