Braunschweig und Berlin, Vieweg & Sohn, Julius Springer, 1921. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half cloth. Stamp to front free end paper. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik. Hrasg. von Karl Scheel"", vol. 5. Entire volume offered. [Schrödinger's paper:] pp. 163-66. [Entire volume: IV, 449, (1) pp].
Reference : 48926
First apperance of Schrödinger's paper on isotopy and the Gibb's paradox. ""Schrödinger started explicitly from the previous discussion between de Hevesy and Paneth on the one hand, and Fajans on the other, summarizing the results as 'Thermodynamical diversity of isotopes in principle, in spite of their complete or nearly complete chemical replaceability'. Thus far he partially supported the view promoted by Karlsruhe physico-chemist. However, he contradicted a result which Fajans had obtained, stating that the energy set free by mixing or diffusion of the volumes, containing different isotopes of the same chemical element, was proportional to the difference of the respective atomic weights - hence a consequence, it should become arbitrarily small as the mass difference disappeared. (Mehra, The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, P. 340).
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