Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1744. Samtidigt hpergamentsbd. (14),190,22 pp. samt 14 kobberstukne plancher. Titelvignetten og andre vignetter og 3 foldeplancher kolorerede. Et par udsnit i titelbladet, hvor gl. ejernavne bortklippet. Uden teksttab. Lidt spredte brunpletter, men ganske velbevaret.
Reference : 45769
First Swedish edition of Clairaut's renowned elementary geometry ""Élémens de géométrie"", 1741.Clairaut’s Élémens de géométrie is linked to the more liberal school. He wanted geometry to be rediscovered by beginners and therefore put together, for himself and for them, a very optimistic history of mathematical thought that reflected the concepts of his contemporaries Diderot and Rousseau. (DSB).""I intended to go back to what might have given rise to geometry;"" and I attempted to develop its principles by a method natural enough so that one might assume it to be the same as that of geometry’s first inventors, attempting only to avoid any false steps that they might have had to take"""" [Élémens de géométrie, preface].
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Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1744. Samtidigt hldrbd. Øverste rygfelt med bortslid af noget af skindet. Uden forreste friblad. (14),190,22 pp. samt 14 kobberstukne plancher.
First Swedish edition of Clairaut's renowned elementary geometry ""Élémens de géométrie"", 1741.Clairaut’s Élémens de géométrie is linked to the more liberal school. He wanted geometry to be rediscovered by beginners and therefore put together, for himself and for them, a very optimistic history of mathematical thought that reflected the concepts of his contemporaries Diderot and Rousseau. (DSB).""I intended to go back to what might have given rise to geometry;"" and I attempted to develop its principles by a method natural enough so that one might assume it to be the same as that of geometry’s first inventors, attempting only to avoid any false steps that they might have had to take"""" [Élémens de géométrie, preface].