‎"PAULI, JR. W.‎
‎Über die Gesetzmässigkeiten des anomalen Zeemaneffektes. - [INTERPRETATION OF THE ANOMAL ZEEMAN-EFFECT]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1923. 8vo. Extracted from ""Zeitschrift für Physik. Hrsg. von Karl Scheel. 16. Band"". No backstrip. Pp. 155-164.‎

Reference : 45687

‎First printing of this important paper in which Pauli points out certain connections between the weak-field case and the theoretically simpler case of a strong magnetic field. Pauli interpreted the anomalous effect on the basis of the olf quantum theory while staying in Copenhagen. The Zeeman effect is the splitting of a spectral line into several components in the presence of a static magnetic field. The Zeeman effect is named after the Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman.‎

€100.59 (€100.59 )
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1 book(s) with the same title

‎"PAULI, JR. W.‎

Reference : 49492


‎Über die Gesetzmässigkeiten des anomalen Zeemaneffektes. - [INTERPRETATION OF THE ANOMAL ZEEMAN-EFFECT]‎

‎Berlin, Julius Springer, 1923. 8vo. Extracted from ""Zeitschrift für Physik. Hrsg. von Karl Scheel. 16. Band"". No backstrip. Pp. 155-164.‎

‎First printing of this important paper in which Pauli points out certain connections between the weak-field case and the theoretically simpler case of a strong magnetic field. Pauli interpreted the anomalous effect on the basis of the olf quantum theory while staying in Copenhagen. The Zeeman effect is the splitting of a spectral line into several components in the presence of a static magnetic field. The Zeeman effect is named after the Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

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