[No printer], 1909. Royal8vo. Offprint in the original printed wrappers. Unopened and uncut. Reprinted from ""The American Naturalist, Vol. XLIII., October, 1909"". Previous owner's name written to top right corner of front wrapper. A very fine and clean copy. 619-633 pp.
Reference : 45480
Rare offprint edition of Jenning's review of George Bohn's work ""La Naissance de l'Intelligence"".
Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
William Schneider
Silkegade 11
1113 Copenhagen
+45 33 155 335
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Reference : bd-a6b5e453e0ad7c2a
Vladimir Wagner Biological Bases of Comparative Psychology. Volume 1, 1910./Vladimir Vagner Biologicheskie osnovaniya sravnitelnoy psikhologii. Tom 1. 1910 god. Volume 1. with 296 drawings. Bio-psychology. Vladimir Alexandrovich Wagner (1849-1934), Russian and Soviet zoologist and zoopsychologist, psychologist, doctor of zoology, professor, founder of Russian comparative psychology. SKUbd-a6b5e453e0ad7c2a.
Reference : albed4d2782c4d55101
Troshin Gr. Ya. Anthropological foundations of education. Comparative psychology of normal and abnormal children. In two volumes. Volume 1 Volume 2 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Troshin Gr. Ya. Antropologicheskie osnovy vospitaniya. Sravnitelnaya pTroshin Gr. Ya. Anthropological foundations of education. Comparative psychology of normal and abnormal children. In two volumes. Volume 1 Volume 2 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Troshin Gr. Ya. Antropologicheskie osnovy vospitaniya. Sravnitelnaya psikhologiya normalnykh i nenormalnykh detey. V dvukh tomakh. Tom 1 Tom 2Volume 1. Processes of mental life. Volume 2. Processes of feeling and wS.Pb.Pg. Dr. Troshins Medical School Edition 1915. XVI 960 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbed4d2782c4d55101
Reference : alb8035e33df8644631
Wagner W. The Biological Bases of Comparative Psychology. 2 x Volumes in One Book In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Vagner V. Biologicheskie osnovaniya sravnitel'noy psikhologii. 2 kh toma v odnom pereplete Bio-psychology. St. Petersburg-Moscow Wolf 1913. 435 4 p. SKUalb8035e33df8644631.
Reference : alb47f86fe9087c7284
Wagner W. The Biological Basis of Comparative Psychology. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vagner V. Biologicheskie osnovaniya sravnitelnoy psikhologii.. Volume One. St. Petersburg M. Editions of the Volume M.O.Wolf circa 1910. 435s. SKUalb47f86fe9087c7284.
Reference : alb6b5d1ecc779553f0
Troshin Gr. Anthropological foundations of upbringing. Comparative psychology of normal and abnormal children. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Troshin Gr. Antropologicheskie osnovy vospitaniya. Sravnitelnaya psikhologiya normalnykh i nenormalnykh detey.Vol. II. The Processes of Mental Life. Petrograd. Publishing House of Dr. Troshins Medical School. 1915. XVI 404s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb6b5d1ecc779553f0