Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1852. Without wrappers. In ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"", Bd. 86, No 6. Pp. 161-336 a. 1 plate. Clausius' paper: pp. 161-205. With titlepage to volume 86.
Reference : 45080
An early paper on electrodynamics in which Clausius determines the ""Potentialfunktion"", introduced by George Green in 1828 . The issue contains also Plúcker un Geissler's importent paper ""Studien über Thermometrie und verwandte Gegenstände"", pp. 238-279.""The first account of Geissler’s activity dates from 1852, when, with Julius Plücker, at Bonn, he constructed his famous standard thermometers. They differed from the thermometers then in use by their thin glass, by the application of capillarity, and by their high precision. For calibrating he used his new glass balance that had a sensitivity of 0.1 mg. of mercury.""(DSB).
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