Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1905. Contemp. hcalf. Back somewhat worn. Stamp on titlepage. VIII,127,(1) pp. Internally clean.
Reference : 38937
First edition of Baires third work which had a profound influence on the teaching of mathematics in France.
Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
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Paris, Gauthier-Villars 1905 viii + 128pp., 26cm., br.orig., qqs. rousseurs, bon état, W85662
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1905. Lex8vo. Uncut in orig. printed wrappers. Stamp on foot of titlepage. VIII,128 pp. From the library of the Danish logician and philosopher Jørgen Jørgensen with his name on frontcover. Internally fine and clean.
First edition of Baires third work which had a profound influence on the teaching of mathematics in France
P., Gauthier-Villars, 1930, un volume in 8, broché, 8pp., 127pp.
---- "BAIRES's work, held in high esteem by E. Borel and H. Lebesgue, exerted considerable influence in France and abroad...". (DSB I pp. 406/408) ---- Nouveau tirage**220.O5AR