Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1952. Royal8vo. With orig. printed wrappers in orig. full cloth. Wrapper with some tears.
Reference : 38569
First edition.
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McCormmach (Russell), ed. - Tetu Hirosige - Lewis Pyenson on Albert Einstein - Stanley Goldberg on Max Planck - Joan Bromberg - Henry Guerlac on Laplace and Lavoisier - P.M. Heimann on Mayer - R.G.A. Dolby - Romualdas Sviedrys - Gerrylynn K. Roberts
Reference : 100429
Princeton University Press , Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1976 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, under editor's printed dust-jacket green and black grand In-8 1 vol. - 520 pages
a photograph from Albert Einstein, in frontispiece 1st edition, 1976 Contents, Chapitres : Contents, Editor's Foreword, xxxv, Text, 485 pages, Contributors, ii - Tetu Hirosige : The ether problem, the mechanistic worldview and the origins of the theory of relativity - Lewis Pyenson : Einstein's early scientific collaboration - Stanley Goldberg : Max Planck's philosophy of nature and his elaboration of the special theory of relativity - Joan Bromberg : The concept of particle creation before and after Quantum mechanics - Henry Guerlac : Chemistry as a branch of physics : Laplace's collaboration with Lavoisier - P.M. Heimann : Mayer's concept of force, The axis for a new science of physics - R.G.A. Dolby : Debates over the theory of solution : A study of dissent in physical chemistry in the English-speaking world in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries - Romualdas Sviedrys : The rise of physics laboratories in Britain - Gerrylynn K. Roberts : The establishment of the Royal College of Chemistry : An investigation of the social context of Early-Victorian chemistry - Notes on conributors near fine copy, the dust-jacket is complete and near fine, with minor wear (folding tracks mainly), inside is fine, no markings, complete of the photograph of Einstein in frontispiece
Stockholm, Nordstedt & Fils, 1923. Orig. printed wrappers. Offprint from ""Les Prix Nobel en 1921-1922"". Pp. 1-10. Fine and clean.
First edition in the scarce offprint version of Einsteins Nobel lecture. The paper presents the Nobel lecture delivered in Göteborg on July 11, 1923. Because Einstein did not deliver the lecture at the same time as he received the award, it did not concern the prize topic, which was ""for his attainments in mathematical physics and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectrical effect.""In relation to his Nobel Prize, Einstein would have preferred to speak on unified field theory, but he followed Arrhenius proposal ""but it is certain that one would be most grateful for a lecture about your relativity theory."" On a very hot day in July, Einstein, dressed in a black redingote, addressed an audience of about two thousand in the Jubilee Hall in Göteborg on ""basic ideas and problems of the theory of relativity."" King Gustav V, who was present, had a pleasant chat with Einstein afterwards. Einstein later gave a second, more technical lecture at Chalmers Technical Institute for about fifty members of the Science Society.""(Pais, pp. 504-5).Weil: 135. - Boni: 136.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences - Seiya Abiko on Albert Einstein - Elisabeth Crawford - David H. Devorkin - Tal Golan - Giulio Maltese
Reference : 100934
University of California Press, History of Science and Technology , Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 2000 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's white wrappers, title in blue grand In-8 1 vol. - 181 pages
few black and white illustrations and text-figures 1st edition, 2000 "Contents, Chapitres : Seiya Abiko : Einstein's Kyoto address : ""How I created the theory of relativity"" - Elisabeth Crawford : German scientists and Hitler's vendetta against the Nobel prizes - David H. Devorkin : Who speaks for astronomy ? How astronomers responded to government funding after World War II - Tal Golan : Blood will out : Distinguishing humans from animals and scientists from charlatans in the 19th-century American courtroom - Giulio Maltese : The late entrance of relativity into Italian scientific community (1906-1930)" near fine copy, no markings - pages 1 to 191
Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences - Jeffrey Crelisten on William Wallace Campbell and Einstein - Allan A. Needell - Nadia Robotti - John W. Servos - David Cassidy
Reference : 100898
University of California Press, History of Science and Technology , Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1983 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's white wrappers, title in blue grand In-8 1 vol. - 200 pages
few black and white illustrations and text-figures 1st edition, 1983 "Contents, Chapitres : Jeffrey Crelisten : William Wallace Campbell and the ""Einstein Problem"" : An observational astronomer confronts the theory of relativity - Allan A. Needell : Nuclear reactors and the founding of Brookhaven National Laboratory - Nadia Robotti : the spectrum of (...) Puppis and the historical evolution of empirical data - John W. Servos : To explore the borderland : the foundation of the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington; Reviews and bibliographic essays - David Cassidy : Recent German perspectives on German technical education" minor folding tracks on the bottom right corner of the wrappers, few foxings on the borders, else near fine copy, no markings - pages 1 to 200
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962, un volume in 8 relié en pleine toile éditeur, 12pp., 386pp.
---- The foundations of the special theory of relativity. Historical survey - Relativistic kinematics - Relativistic mechanics - Electrodynamics in the vacuum - Permanent gravitational fields. Tensor calculus in a general Riemanian space - ETC**3729/L5DE/8395/CAV.E5