Berlin, Kiepenheuer, 1930. Both vols. in orig. printed wrappers. Wrappers a bit frayed in outer margins. A small cornerpiece lost on Heft 1. - 36 pp. a. (45-) 148 pp. (complete).
Reference : 36277
First edition. (Brecht Versuche 1-3 u. 4-7 = Heft 1-2).
Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
William Schneider
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1113 Copenhagen
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Göttingen, Dieterich, 1836-1839, in-8vo, XXII + 1 Bl. + 288 S. / XII + 322 S., etwas stockfleckig, Stempel a.T., Interims-Broschüre, unaufgeschnittenes Exemplar.
SELTEN. - Originalausgabe der bedeutendsten Monographie von Zachariae, die auch eine historische Darstellung enthält. - Der Verfasser, Professor an der Universität in Göttingen, widmete sein Hauptwerk dem Strafprozess. Sein 'Handbuch', erschienen 1861-1868, ist das herausragendste zum Strafprozess in der 2. Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Im Jahre 1873 wurde Zachariae in die Kommission zur Beratung einer deutschen StPO berufen. Seine historischen Arbeiten dienten der Vorbereitung zur Reform des Strafprozesses. Kleinheyer-Schröder 356.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1901-03. Lex8vo. Bound in 2 fine contemp. hcalf. Raised bands, gilt spines and with gilt lettering. A few minor scratches. A name cut from front free endpaper. XII,648"XIV,752 pp., textillustrations and 12 colourplates. Internally fine and clean.
First edition og this classic work in genetics, where de Vries further develops the theory of mutations.- ""De Vries experimental work in the 1890' led to the rediscovery of Mendel's laws and the discovery of the phenomenon of mutation. The rediscovery of Mendel's laws was announced almost simultabeously by de Vries, Correns, and Tschermak-Seysenegg - in that order....The results of his more than ten years of experimentation and study were laid down in de Vries's ""Die Mutationstheorie....(1901-1903), in which he described in detail his work on the segregation laws, on phenomena of variation, and on plant mutations. The book made him famous, and he was recognized as one of the foremost botanists of his time.""(DSB).""De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importence of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of ""mutations"" or discontinous change in the character of species.""( Horblit. One Hundred Books famous in Science, No. 73 b). - Dibner. Heralds of Science No 36. - Garrison & Morton No 240. - Sparrow. Milestones of Science No 194.
Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1901-03. Lex8vo. Bound in 2 contemp. hcloth. Gilt lettering to spines. XII,648"XIV,752 pp., textillustrations and 12 colourplates. Internally fine and clean.
First edition og this classic work in genetics, where de Vries further develops the theory of mutations.- ""De Vries experimental work in the 1890' led to the rediscovery of Mendel's laws and the discovery of the phenomenon of mutation. The rediscovery of Mendel's laws was announced almost simultabeously by de Vries, Correns, and Tschermak-Seysenegg - in that order....The results of his more than ten years of experimentation and study were laid down in de Vries's ""Die Mutationstheorie....(1901-1903), in which he described in detail his work on the segregation laws, on phenomena of variation, and on plant mutations. The book made him famous, and he was recognized as one of the foremost botanists of his time.""(DSB).""De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importence of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of ""mutations"" or discontinous change in the character of species.""( Horblit. One Hundred Books famous in Science, No. 73 b). - Dibner. Heralds of Science No 36. - Garrison & Morton No 240. - Sparrow. Milestones of Science No 194.
Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1901-03. Lex8vo. Bound in 2 contemp. hcalf, spines gilt and with gilt lettering. Spines slightly rubbed. XII,648"XIV,752 pp., textillustrations and 12 colourplates. Internally fine and clean.
First edition og this classic work in genetics, where de Vries further develops the theory of mutations.- ""De Vries experimental work in the 1890' led to the rediscovery of Mendel's laws and the discovery of the phenomenon of mutation. The rediscovery of Mendel's laws was announced almost simultabeously by de Vries, Correns, and Tschermak-Seysenegg - in that order....The results of his more than ten years of experimentation and study were laid down in de Vries's ""Die Mutationstheorie....(1901-1903), in which he described in detail his work on the segregation laws, on phenomena of variation, and on plant mutations. The book made him famous, and he was recognized as one of the foremost botanists of his time.""(DSB).""De Vries discovered, revealed, and proved the importence of Mendel's work. Advanced the theory of ""mutations"" or discontinous change in the character of species.""( Horblit. One Hundred Books famous in Science, No. 73 b). - Dibner. Heralds of Science No 36. - Garrison & Morton No 240. - Sparrow. Milestones of Science No 194.
Halle im Magdeburgischen, Rengerischen Buchhandlung, 1727-29. 8vo. Bound in 3 contemp. full vellum. One corner a bit bumped. Backcover on vol. 2 with a small loss of vellum at front edge. 3 engraved frontispieces. Titlepages printed in red/black. (14),599,(9)(14),568,(8)(14),624,(8) pp. and 49 folded engraved plates with many figs each (17 + 14 + 18). One plate in vol. 2 with a minor loss in upper right corner, affecting 1 figure. On foot of forst titlepage a stamp (Greve Scheel). Internally fine.
Wolff's popular handbook dealing with the whole spectra of physics and technology, depicting experimental apparatus and technical inventions.Poggendorff II:1355.