(København, Bianco Luno, 1852). 4to. Uden omslag, ubeskåret. Udsnit af ""Vienskabernes Selskabs Skrifter"", (SN.5.III), pp. 37-70. Indeholder Rinks berømte kobberstukne kort: ""Kaart over de Danske Handelsdistrikter i Nord Grønland Udkastet efter Iagttagelser paa en i Aarene 1848-51, i geognostisk og mineralogisk Öiemed foretagen reise, og grundet paa de af Capt. Graah ved astronomiske Obserbationer bestemte Punkters Beliggenhed."" Kobbersukket påsvært papir (53,5 x 43 cm.). 2 af de på kortet indtrykte specialkort er håndkoloreret.
Reference : 36215
Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
William Schneider
Silkegade 11
1113 Copenhagen
+45 33 155 335
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Reference : 60439
Kjøbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1853. 4to. Uncut unopened in the original blank wrappers. In ""Det Kongelige Danske Bidenskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, Femte Række, Tredie bind"". First quire detached as usual. Some offsetting throughout. A very nice and clean copy. XII, 377 pp.
First appearance of this important issue of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters' Journal containing some of the most influential Danish contributions to science from the period: - Thomsen's ""Bidrag til et thermochemisk System"" undoubtly being the main contribution by a Dane in chemistry in the 19th Century.The paper from 1852 is famous as it is the first statement of a new thermochemical nomenclatura, and the paper contains the first enunciation of the thermochemical affinity principle, which states that chemical affinity, or the attraction between substances, can be measured by the heat evolved when bodies combine. His fundamental thought was that the evolution of heat accompanying a chemical reaction (which he calls 'varmetoning', equivalent to enthalpy change) is an exact expression of the chemical affinity of the reaction.- Colding's ""Undersøgelse over Vanddampene og deres bevægende Kraft i Dampmaskinen"" being his major contribution to the development of the steam engine.