Bruxelles et Paris, Libraire D'Art et D'Histoire, 1914. 4to. Fine hmorocco. X,256 pp. and 100 plates.
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Face to Face with Hugo van der Goes. Old Master, New Interpretation. Exhibition: Bruges, Sint-Janshospitaal, 2022. 144 pages with 126 colour and 5 black and white illustrations. Hardback. 29 x 24.5cms. A re-examination of Flemish painter Hugo Van Der Goes (c. 1440-1482/1483), centred on his important painting 'The Death of the Virgin', which has just undergone an extensive five-year restoration. Chapters include an analysis of 'The Death of the Virgin' before and after restoration, a look at its iconographical sources, a discussion of Van Der Goes' life and work, including a summation of his extant oeuvre and known patrons, and a consideration of his influence on contemporary painters, both at home and abroad.
A re-examination of Flemish painter Hugo Van Der Goes (c. 1440-1482/1483), centred on his important painting 'The Death of the Virgin', which has just undergone an extensive five-year restoration. Chapters include an analysis of 'The Death of the Virgin' before and after restoration, a look at its iconographical sources, a discussion of Van Der Goes' life and work, including a summation of his extant oeuvre and known patrons, and a consideration of his influence on contemporary painters, both at home and abroad.
, Hannibal Books, 2022 Gebonden, hardcover, , 292 x 245 mm, 144 pages Nederlandse uitgave. . ISBN 9789464366723.
In deze fascinerende introductie tot het werk en leven van de Vlaamse primitief Hugo van der Goes (ca. 1440-1482/1483) belichten verschillende experts en onderzoekers de virtuositeit van de meester himself. Zijn Dood van Maria is een van de belangrijkste werken in de wereldbefaamde collectie Vlaamse schilderkunst van Musea Brugge. Na een intensieve restauratie van vijf jaar komt het meesterwerk weer volledig tot zijn recht met talloze schitterende elementen, een fel kleurenpalet en recent ontdekte details. Oog in oog met Hugo van der Goes ? Oude meester, nieuwe blik biedt een inkijk in het tijdloze en hedendaagse karakter van het topstuk en besteedt aandacht aan de iconische waarde van een te ontdekken oeuvre. Met tekstbijdragen van Matthias Depoorter, Lieven De Visch, Marijn Everaarts, Sibylla Goegebuer, Griet Steyaert en Anne van Oosterwijk. Publicatie naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling Oog in Oog met de Dood. Hugo van der Goes, oude meesters, nieuwe blikken in het Sint-Janshospitaal in Brugge van 28 oktober 2022 tot 5 februari 2023.
, Hannibal Books, 2022 HB, 300 x 250 mm, 144 pages, illustr. *English edition. ISBN 9789464366716.
In this fascinating introduction to the work and life of Flemish Primitive Hugo van der Goes (c. 1440-1482/1483), several experts and researchers shed light on the virtuosity of the master himself. The Death of the Virgin is one of the most important works in Musea Brugge's world-renowned collection of Early Netherlandish painting. After an intensive five-year restoration the masterpiece has come into its own again, with many brilliant elements, a bright colour palette and newly uncovered details. Face to Face with Hugo van der Goes - Old Master, New Interpretation offers an insight into the timeless yet contemporary character of the masterpiece and pays attention to the iconic value of a work waiting to be discovered. With text contributions by Matthias Depoorter, Lieven De Visch, Marijn Everaarts, Sibylla Goegebuer, Griet Steyaert and Anne van Oosterwijk. This publication is issued on the occasion of the exhibition Face to face with Death. Hugo van der Goes, Old Masters and New Interpretations at the Sint-Janshospitaal in Bruges from 28 October 2022 to 5 February 2023.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2008 Hardback, original editor's jacket, english, IV+178 pp., 42 b/w ill. + 95 colour ill., 220 x 280 mm. ISBN 9781905375158.
Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History (HMSAH 49). Hugo van der Goes is a towering figure in the history of art. Hugely original, he exerted a massive influence, pushing the portrayal of volume, motion and light to its limits while exploring an inherited Christian iconography in profoundly new ways. This book identifies the artist?s painterly procedures as well as the religious practices and hopes his painting served. Focusing on Hugo?s masterpiece, the Portinari Altarpiece, Koster pictures the painter, his patron, and the wider public as a set of diverse forces fuelling this artist?s achievements. Painted in the Netherlands for a Florentine chapel, the altarpiece also reflects artistic exchange in the Fifteenth Century. Koster presents a ground-breaking technical examination of Hugo?s triptych and for the first time, readers can access all of the evidence in a high-resolution and easily-navigable form ? and for a work of supreme historical importance. But this book also studies the work?s origins in the Modern Devotion movement, Hugo?s personality, the machinations of a wealthy Italian donor, and the patterns of response within a church setting. Rich in information, wide-ranging in its sources, and original in its understanding of Hugo?s aims, this book also places ? uniquely ? the tools of its analysis in the hands of specialists and general readers alike.
".: 2. Brussel, Academie (Royal Belgian Academy) , 1985, in-8°, sewn, orig. wrapp. 23 pp with ill.; with English summary. (Published as a Notice of the Academy; Academiae Analecta together with two other notices of the author; Het Raadselachtig Schilderij van Ince-Hall, ca. 25 pp with ill. ; Het Graf van Rooms-Koning Willem II, ca. 75 pp + 35 ill. h.t)."