Lugduni Batavorum (Leiden), Petrum vander Aa, 1710. Small 4to. Nice later hcalf in old style. Title in red/black with with engraved vignette, engraved dedication leaf. (12),256,(15)Titlepage in red/black with engraved titlevign. (4),314,(11) pp. and 18 folded engraved plates + Bernouilli meditationes...8 pp. and 1 folded plate (this plate supplied in a good facsimile). Corners of the first 7 leaves and the last 10 leaves a little frayed, in general clean and fine.
Reference : 28202
Scarce second enlarged Latin edition in which appeared for the first time Bernouilli's treatise on the mathematics of movements. Borelli's work was originally issued in the year of his death (1680), and represents the application of mechanics to the motion of the limbs of animals based largly on Galileo's mechanics. He furthermore originated the neurogenic theory of the heart's action and he was the first to suggest that the circulation resembled a simple hydraulic system. He was the first to insist that the heart beat was a simple muscular contraction. - Dibner Heralds of Science 190. Garrison & Morton 762.
Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
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