Kbhvn., 1861. Samt. hldrbd. Litograferet portræt af Karoline Mathilde. 277, (4) pp.
Reference : 27580
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Kjøbenhavn, Brødrene Salmonsen, 1876. Samtidigt hldrbd. med rygforgyldning. Lttere brugsspor ved kanter. XXIII,570,(1) pp., portræt, et foldekort, 7 tonede litografier. Indvendigt rent frisk eksemplar.
First Danish edition of ""Journal of Recherches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy. 1839."" - Freeman No. 174.
København., Brødrene Salmonsen, 1876. Lex8vo. Cont.hcalf., four rasied bands and richly gilt spine. Portrait. XXIII,570 pp., textillustr., 7 litographed plates and 1 lithographed folding map. A fine clean copy.
First Danish Edition of ""Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the World under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy"". 1839. - Freeman No. 174.
1867 Koebenhavn, Udgivet af I. Levin. Forlagt af J.H. Schubothes Boghandel, 1867. In-8, 342 pages.. Reliure époque demi basane à coins, dos à nerfs, caissons et fleurons dorés, tranches rouges. 15 gravures hors-texte.
Dos insolé.