Breslau, J.E. Meyer, 1772-74. Bound in one cont. hcalf. Gilt back. Paperlabel pasted on upper compartment. Stamp on title. The first few leaves a little dampstained in upper margin. (6),561 pp. Having 5 titlepages.
Reference : 27291
The work was continued to 20 parts. Scarce mathematical bibliography.
Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
William Schneider
Silkegade 11
1113 Copenhagen
+45 33 155 335
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Breslau, Meyer, 1772-86. Part 1-8 bound in 2 contemp. hcalf. Titlelabels with gilt lettering. Stamp on title-pages. Part 9 -16 uncut in original stiff papercovers. In all ca. 2000 pp.