Dossier comprenant 62 pp. de mails et fax en anglais, imprimés au format A4, la plupart envoyés par Cherry Vanilla à Michel Bulteau pour les préparatifs du livre, paru chez Hachette Littératures en 2002. Actrice dans Pork en 1971, la première pièce d’Andy Warhol, jouée au LaMama Theater de New York, Cherry Vanilla (née Kathleen Dorritie) anime des lignes de téléphone rose, des soirées en discothèques, avant de travailler pour David Bowie, qui lui confie donc sa rubrique hebdomadaire pour le magazine britannique Mirabelle. Elle forme plusieurs groupes de rock/punk, produit des émissions de télévision et de radio, interprète quelques rôles au cinéma (notamment dans Let’s Get Lost en 1988) et publie Lick Me en 2010. Quelques extraits, 24-IX-02 : « You mean to make a book out of the Mirabelle Diaries ? Oh my God, I wrote those things in minutes, in the middle of all the chaos of those Bowie early days, when I ran the office, did the PR, whatever had to be done. But they are quite funny and sweet, and especially now that Bowie has publicly admitted that it was me who wrote them… Kisses, Cherry V. » 29-V : « Do they just want to pay $ 2, 000 total, or also some kind of royalty on sales ? How much will each book be sold for ? How many will be printed ?, what about the rights for other languages, countries? Who copyright under ? Will it be sold on a special website ? » 05-X-02 : « As for introduction, it would be great if we could get Bowie to write it, commenting in good humor as he does on the web. » 22-XI-02 : « Thanks so much for the proof of the book. It’s so great to hold it and flip through it. I can’t wait to see the finished product. The title looks great. And I received the contract signed. Then I guess there will be $ 1,000 going to my bank soon and another $ 1,000 in January. Hope we will sell lots of books and make more money! » Bon état.
Reference : AWD-812
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