Sapporo, Katono Architects Co., Ltd, 1993, 305x215mm, 102 pp., bradel papier photographiques, avec titre, étui avec lettrage argent en creux.
Reference : 103862
Texte de Bunichira Kawamura, photographies d'Osamu Murai, conception graphique Kijûrô Yahagi.L'architecte, né à Hokkaidô, Katano a assisté Antonin Raymond pour la construction de la chapelle Saint Michael en 1960. Sa maison, construite en 1968 à Sapporo (présentée dans l'ouvrage) fut sélectionné par Docomomo et couronnée par JIA25 (Japan Institute of Architects) en 2002. Première monographie de ses oeuvres toutes réalisées à Hokkaidô. Textes en Japonais. Un marque-page est joint portant la signature autographe de l'architecte.(103862)
Librairie Chloé et Denis Ozanne Déesse sarl
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Reference : bd-509b84507302eb43
Karazin, N. From North to South. Travel memories of an old crane. N. Karazin./Karazin, N. S Severa na Yug. Putevye vospominaniya starogo zhuravlya. N.N. Karazina. Karazin, N. From North to South. Travel memories of an old crane. N. Karazin. St. Petersburg: 1890.-4, 192 p., il.:. SKUbd-509b84507302eb43.
1881-1970 Some papers are loose without covers, one cover badly soiled.
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 762 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:25 b/w, 11 col., 16 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503584577.
Summary Glossaries are the dictionaries of the medieval period. They were created at a time when no comprehensive dictionary of the Latin language existed, but lexicographical resources were urgently needed to engage with the writings of Classical and Late Antiquity as well as near-contemporary texts. In the non-Romance speaking areas in north-western Europe, the compilers of glossaries were quick to have recourse to their vernacular languages. Glossaries are often the places in which these languages were put into writing for the first time. Hence, the effort to explain Latin vocabulary resulted in bilingual lexicography and in the establishment of the vernaculars as written languages in their own right. The negotiation of linguistic and cultural barriers lies at the centre of the glossaries. Consequently, medieval traditions of glossography are highly interconnected. This volume represents the first reference work dedicated to medieval glossaries in English and related traditions, including other languages spoken in the British Isles (Celtic languages, Anglo-Norman) and the Germanic languages (High and Low German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Gothic). As such, it is intended as a vademecum for researchers in order to facilitate modern approaches to medieval glossography, lexicology and lexicography, which often require some familiarity with different traditions. Written by experts in the field, the fifty chapters of this volume highlight important characteristics and themes of medieval glossaries and outline different glossographic traditions; they facilitate access to individual glossaries, or groups of related glossaries, by providing detailed discussions of the texts, their sources, relationships and transmission; they also give an account of the current state of research and highlight important resources. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction (Annina Seiler, Chiara Benati and Sara M. Pons-Sanz) ? I. Cultural, Intellectual and Textual Contexts A Typology of Glossaries (Claudia Wich-Reif) Functions of Glossaries (Rolf H. Bremmer Jr) Glossaries in a Multilingual Context (Ma re N Mhaonaigh) Glosses, Glossaries and Wisdom Texts (Kees Dekker) Isidore of Seville's Etymologies (Carmen Cardelle) The Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana (Lucia Degiovanni) The Oldest Latin Glossaries (Franck Cinato) Latin-Romance Glossaries (Cinzia Pignatelli) ? II. Glossaries from the British Isles Old English Glossaries (Hans Sauer ?) The Leiden Glossary (Rolf H. Bremmer Jr and Kees Dekker) The pinal-Erfurt Glossary (David Porter) The Cleopatra Glossaries (Philip G. Rusche) The Antwerp-London Glossaries (David W. Porter) lfric's Glossary (Lucia Kornexl) Glossaries and Biblical Learning in Anglo-Saxon England (Richard Marsden) Aldhelm (Emily V. Thornbury) Legal Glossaries (Old and Middle English) (Sara M. Pons-Sanz) Herbal Glossaries (Old and Middle English) (Hans Sauer ?) Middle English Glossaries (Patrizia Lendinara) The Glossaries in Bodley 730 (Claudio Cataldi) Fifteenth-Century Bilingual Dictionaries (Annette Horn) Anglo-Norman Glossaries (Heather Pagan) Bilingual Verse Vocabularies (Thomas Hinton) The Celtic Tradition (Sharon Arbuthnot, P draic Moran and Paul Russell) ? III. Continental Germanic and Scandinavian Glossaries Old High German Glossaries (Stefanie Stricker) Vocabularius Sancti Galli (Andreas Nievergelt) The Old High German Abrogans (Andreas Nievergelt) The Mondsee Bible Glossary (Claudia Wich-Reif) The Salomonian Glossary (Andreas Nievergelt) Summarium Heinrici (Vreni Wittberger Markwardt) Insular-Continental Connections (Paolo Vaciago) Animal Glossaries (English and German Traditions) (Annina Seiler) High German Glossaries, 1050-1515 (Elke Krotz) Versus de volucribus, bestiis, arboribus, piscibus (Vreni Wittberger Markwardt) The Lingua ignota of Hildegard of Bingen (Sarah L. Higley) Vocabularius Ex quo (Bernhard Schnell) Liber ordinis rerum (Chiara Benati) Vocabularius quadriidiomaticus (Chiara Benati) Old Saxon Glossaries (Maria Rita Digilio) Middle Low German Glossaries (Chiara Benati) Vocabularius brevilogus (Chiara Benati) Vocabularius theutonicus (Chiara Benati) Stralsund Vocabulary (Chiara Benati) Middle Dutch Glossaries (Piet van Sterkenburg) Medieval Scandinavian Glossaries (Chiara Benati and Simon Skovgaard Boeck) ? IV. From Medieval to Renaissance Lexicography Medieval Glossaries and Renaissance Lexicography (John Considine) High German Lexicography in the Humanist Period (Elke Krotz) Scandinavian Lexicography in the Early Modern Period (Simon Skovgaard Boeck) Busbeqc's Crimean Gothic Wordlist (Ludwig R bekeil) ? List of References General Index Manuscript Index
Karazin N.N. From North to South. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Karazin N.N. S Severa na Yug. Travel Memoirs of the Old Crane: Illustrated by the author of the St. Petersburg edition of A.F. Devrien 1899. 4 192 p. SKUalbab16575039ba3a76.
Short description: In Russian. Karazin, Nikolai Nikolaevich. From north to south. St. Petersburg: A.F. Devrien, Census 1899. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU3626865