‎ 2001 Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz Verlag/The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, 2001, 235x175mm, 112 pages, 36 color plates. Illustrated paper over boards. - First edition. In publisher’s shrink-wrap. Published on the occasion of the 2001 exhibition Rineke Dijkstra: Portraits, curated by Jessica Morgan, at The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. (103675) ‎

Reference : 103675


€180.00 (€180.00 )
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1 book(s) with the same title

‎Dijkstra, Rineke and Katy Siegel, Jessica Morgan / Jill Medvedow‎

Reference : 63279

‎Rineke Dijkstra: Portraits. ‎

‎Boston, Institute of Contemporary Art and Hatje Cantz,, 2001 Hardcover 112 pages, IN FINE CONDITION!!!!. ISBN 9783775710152.‎

‎The Dutch artist Rineke Dijkstra has taken the formal qualities of the studio portrait from the early part of this century and used this convention of the full length, frontal and centrally composed portrait to photograph individuals. Each photographic portrait has a precise date and location suggesting a conscious evocation of the work of the early twentieth century German photographer August Sander and his project to document Citizens of the Twentieth Century. The photographs stand by themselves and bear no reference to personal circumstances or to specific geographical details of the location. The interpretation of the image lies largely in the psychological interaction between the sitter and the photographer. This book will survey Dijkstra's recent photographic and video work.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR145.00 (€145.00 )
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