1987 Tokyo, Shotaro Okada, 1987, 305x239mm, 108p., dont deux dépliantes, broché sous couverture muette et jaquette photographique à rabats. Conception graphique de John Cheim.Photographies pleine page en noir et blanc, quelques unes en couleurs, quelques pages de texte en anglais.Complet d’une brochure 28x210mm, 8p., texte en japonais. Très bon état.(103448)
Reference : 103448
Librairie Chloé et Denis Ozanne Déesse sarl
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, Doeisha Co. Ltd./Shotaro Okada, 1987 softcover, 4-to, Black and white photo illustrated. .First Edition Designed by John Cheim. Loosely inserted is the Japanese translation of the text.
orks of Bruce Weber, one of the leading photographers of the 20th century, The Andy Book. This book is a book taken by Weber, modeled after Andy Minskar, who was a lightweight American boxer at the time. At the same time, in 1983, Andy Warhol launched Culture Magazine 'Interview Magazine' to feature athletes of the Los Angeles Olympics coming up the next year, and Bruce Webber was asked to take a picture of it . However, is it misunderstood that you forced the athlete to wear tight clothing in order to emphasize the physical beauty of the athlete? Weber is said to have been locked out of shooting some of the competitions such as boxing. Such was Andy who appeared in that, Weber who was completely absorbed in the finished body and looks that reminiscent of Chet Baker in his youth, has since started to collaborate with Andy.