1991 affiche Affiche 600x990 mm Books by artists 8 sept-25 oct 1991 Rotterdam The Archive, arts information Center. Mouillures. (102946)
Reference : 102946
Librairie Chloé et Denis Ozanne Déesse sarl
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Conforme aux usages de la librairie ancienne et moderne, tous les ouvrages présentés sont complets et en bon état, sauf indication contraire. L'exécution des commandes téléphonées est garantie mais sans règle absolue, la disponibilité des livres n'étant pas toujours vérifiable lors de l'appel. Les frais de port sont à la charge du destinataire. Les livres sont payables à la commande. Nous acceptons les règlements par chèque bancaire ou postal, mandat postal ou international, carte bancaire, Visa, Eurocard, MasterCard et virements bancaires dans certaines conditions.
Reference : albe19dd8399eb437ad
Beck R. M. Cosmic Consciousness. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Bekk R. M. Kosmicheskoe Soznanie. Becks book is an attempt to answer the question of what Cosmic Consciousness is and how it differs from the simple consciousness of the common man whose form he considered to be transient. In his opinion a new race-race of people of Cosmic Consciousness is now rapidly forming among mankind. Evolution and Develucidation - From Self to Cosmic Consciousness - Persons with Cosmic Consciousness: 37 biographies. SKUalbe19dd8399eb437ad.
Reference : alb87813bcaf9cfd54e
Berdyaev N.A. New Religious Consciousness and Public. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Berdyaev N.A. Novoe religioznoe soznanie i obshchestvennost'. St. Petersburg: M.V. Pirozhkov 1907 L 233 2) p. enlarged format. Work: The New Religious Consciousness and Public of the eminent philosopher N.A.Berdyaev which reflects the author's views at the time of his greatest infatuation with the ideas of a new religious consciousness and the reconstruction of society on the basis of these ideas. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (1874-1948) is a religious and political philosopher. Representative of existentialism and personalism. SKUalb87813bcaf9cfd54e.
Reference : albfec20109c0874d6f
Alferov Nikolai. Transition from consciousness to self-consciousness. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Alferov Nikolay. Perekhod ot soznaniya k samosoznaniyu.Odessa type. P.A. Zelenogo 1884. 248 p.. SKUalbfec20109c0874d6f.
Reference : bd-8c9e20694aa78253
Peasant Duma Prison Labour Union Materials of Popular Legal Consciousness Book St./Krestyanskaya Duma tyurme trudovoy soyuz materialy narodnogo pravosoznaniya broshyura kniga Sankt Peasant Duma Prison Labour Union Materials of Popular Legal Consciousness Book St. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-8c9e20694aa78253.
Short description: In Russian. Gorodensky, Nikolai Gavrilovich. The Moral Consciousness of Mankind. Sergiev Posad: The Holy Trinity of Sergius Lavra, 1903. Nravstvennoe soznanie chelovechestva. In Russian /Moral consciousness of mankind. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU3712031