‎DOWNSBROUGH PETER (né en 1940)‎

‎ 1982 disque Eindhoven, The Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, 1982, 33trs, 30cm, sous pochette photographique conçue par l’artiste, deux feuilles insérées.Etat neuf. Schraenen 135. (102714) ‎

Reference : 102714


€150.00 (€150.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎FRANC-MACONNERIE / ANDERSON, James (ca 1678-1739)‎

Reference : 8969


‎The History and constitutions of the most ancient and honourable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. Containing an account of Masonry. I. From the creation throughout the known earth, till true architecture was demolished by the Goths, and at last revived in Italy. II. From Julius Caesar to the first arrival of the Saxons in Britain. III. From the union of the crowns of England and Scotland, in the person of king James the First, to the present time. To which are added: I. A list of the Grand Masters or Patrons of the Free Masons in England, from the coming in of the Anglo Saxons to these times, who are mentioned in this work. II. The old charges of the Masons, collected from their earliest records, at the command of his grace the Duke of Montague. III. The Manner of constituting a Lodge. IV. The general regulations of the free and accepted Masons, both ancient and modern, in distinct columns. V. The constitution of the Committee of their Charity. VI. A list of the Lodges in and about London and Westminster; with the deputations of several grand Masters for the forming of Lodges in Wales, the remote parts of England, and in foreign realms. VII. The songssung at the Lodges. VIII. A defence of Masonry, occasioned by a pamphlet called Masonry dissected: with Brother Euclids Letter to the author against unjust cavils. By James Anderson, D. D. London.‎

‎ 1746 Printedand fold by J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, in Ludgate-street. In the vulgar year of Masonry 5746 [1746]. Un volume petit in-4° (149 x 192 mm) de X+[2]+230+[2] pages; les pages 217-22 (cahier Ff) sont en double exemplaire, strictement identiques. Reliure de lépoque en veau marron, encadrement à froid sur les plats et filet doré le long des charnières, dos à nerfs orné de filets, pièce de titre en maroquin rouge, tranches mouchetées de rouge (dos anciennement remplacé et coins émoussés). Contenu : - Dédicace de louvrage au Prince de Galles Frédéric-Louis, par James Anderson; bandeau gravé avec les armes du prince, signé John Pine (pages III-VI).- «The author to the reader», et plan de louvrage, le tout daté de «Greter Court, Strand, 4 Nov. 1738» et signé James Anderson (pages VII-X). - «The sanction», i.e. approbation de louvrage par «John Rebis, secretary», «Caernarvon, Grand Master, John Ward, Deputy Grand Master, George Graham [&] Andrew Robinson Grand Wardens» (page 1 sans no).- planche gravée avec deux figures: lune représentant Hiram montrant le plan du temple au roi Salomon, dessin du frère J[ame]s Thornhill Esq. gravé par John Pine; lautre, anonyme, portant les armes et titres du marquis de Carnarvon, grand-maître en 1738 (page 2 sans no).- «The Constitutions Part I: The History of Masonry from the creation throughout the known earth; till true old architecture was demolishd by the Goths and at last revived in Italy », en sept chapitres: I. From the creation to Grand Master Nimrod, II. From Nimrod to Grand Master Solomon, III. From Solomon to Grand Master Cyrus, IV. From Cyrus to Grand Master Seleucus Nicator, V. From Seleucus to Grand Master Augustus Caesar, VI. From Augustus till the havock of the Goths, VII. The revival of old architecture, or the Augustans Stile»(pages 1-54). - «The Constitutions part II: The History of Masonry in Britain, from Julius Caesar, till the union of the crowns, 1603», en sept chapitres: I. From Julius Caesar to the first arrival of the Saxons in Britain, II. From the first arrival of the Saxons, to William the Conqueror, III. Masonry in England from William the Conqueror to King Henry IV, IV. Masonry in England from Henry IV to the Royal Tewdors, V. Masonry in England from King Henry VII till the union of the crowns, A. D. 1603, VI. Masonry in Scotland till the union of the crowns, VII. Masonry in Irland till Grand Master Kingston A. D. 1730» (pages 55-96). - «The Constitutions part III: The History of Masonry in Britain, grom the union of the crowns to the times» en sept chapitres: I. The Augustan stile in Britain, from the union of the crowns 1603, till the Restoration 1660, II. From the Restoration 1660, till the Revolution 1688, III. From the Revolution to Grand Master Montagu 1721, IV. From Grand Master the Duke of Montagu to Grand Master Richmond, V. From Grand Master Richmond to Grand Master Norfolk, VI. From Grand Master Norfolk to Grand Master Craufurd, VII. From Grand Master Craufurd to the present G. Master Caermarthen [biffé et remplacé par: Carnarvan]» (pages 97-142).- «The Old charges of the Free and Accepted Masons, collected by the author from their old records, at the command of the Grand Master the present Duke of Montagu. Approved by the Grand Lodge, and ordered to be printed in the first edition of the Book of Constitutions on 25 March 1722», en six articles : «I. Of God and religion , II. Of the Civil magistrate supreme and subordinate, III. Concerning lodges, IV. Of Masters, wardens, fellows, and prentices, V, Of the Management of the craft in working », VI. Concerning Masons behaviour, [soit] 1) In the Lodge before closing, 2) After the Lodge is closed and the Brethren not gone, 3) At meeting without strangers, but not in a formed Lodge, 4) In presence of strangers not Masons, 5) At home and in your neighbourhood, 6) Towards a foreign Brother or stranger, VII. Concerning Law-suits. The ancient manner of constituting a Lodge (pages 143-151).- « The general Regulations of the Free and Accepted Masons. Compiled first by Brother George Payne [] A. D. 1720, []. Next by order of the Duke of Montagu when Grand Master, the author James Anderson []and the Grand Lodge having revisd ans approvd them, order em to be printed in the Book of Constitutions on 25 March 1722», en 39 articles traitant de lorganisation interne de lordre (pages 152-176), suivis de «New regulations» jusquen 1736 (pages 176-178).- «The Constitutions of the Committee of Masons charity first proposed at the Grand Lodge on 21 Nov. 1724» (pages 178-184).- «A list of the Lodges in and about London and Westminster» (pages 184-190).- «Deputations of several Grand Masters, to Wales, the country of England, and foreign parts» (pages 190-198). « The approbation of this Book of the Constitutions» par les dignitaires de la Grande Loge, datée du «25th January 1737/8 in the vulgar, year of Masonry 1737/8» (page 199). - « The Masters song [] by the author of this book[Anderson]», en 6 couplets (pages 200-201).- « The Wardens song [] by the author of this book [Anderson]» en 2 couplets (page 202).- « The Fellow-craft song, by Brother Charles De La Fay Esq » en 6 couplets (pages 203-204). - « The Enterd Prentices song, by Brother Mr. Matthew Birkhead » en 7 couplets (page 204-206).- «The Deputy Grand Masters song», en 7 couplets (pages 206-207).- «The Grand Wardens song, by Brother Oates», en 4 couplets (pages 207-208).- «The Treasurers song» en 4 couplets (page 209).- «The Secretarys song» en 4 couplets (page 210).- «The Sword-bearers song» en 4 couplets (pages 211-212).- «An ode to the Free Masons» en 2 couplets (page 212).- «An ode an Masonry, by Brother J. Bancks» en 12 couplets (pages 213-215).- «A defence of Masonry, publishd A. D. 1730, occasiond by a pamphlet calld Masonry dissected» (pages 216-226). - «Brother Euclids letter to the author against unjust cavils» (pages 226-228).- liste des Frères et des Loges qui ont «encouragé» lauteur (pages 229-230).- «Corrigenda» (page 1 sans no).- Catalogue des libraires Caesar Ward et Richard Chandler (page 2 sans no). ‎

‎RARE REEMISSION DE LA SECONDE EDITION (1738) des Constitutions dAnderson sous une page de titre renouvelée. ce texte fondateur de la maçonnerie spéculative moderne fut rédigé en 1721-1722 par James Anderson (ca 1678-1739) - peut-être avec le concours de John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683-1744), mais la chose est aujourdhui contestée - à linitiative de John, 2eme duc de Montagu (1690-1749), grand-maître de la Grande Loge de Londres et de Westminster, afin de réguler des pratiques traditionnelles mais mal fixées. Si les Constitutions de 1723 ont été rédigées à lexpresse demande du groupement des loges créé en 1717, les Constitutions de 1738 relèvent dune initiative propre dAnderson, qui prit de grandes libertés doctrinales par rapport au texte primitif; de ce fait cette version ne fut jamais été reconnue comme officielle par la Grande Loge de Londres et de Westminster «et il a fallu plusieurs mises en vente avec de nouvelles pages de titre et frontispices pour en achever de vendre le stock» (Philippe Langlet: Les Constitutions de 1723 et leurs traductions en français). Ajoutons que la réémission de 1746 ne présente pas de frontispice du tout. ‎

Phone number : 021/312 85 42

EUR15,000.00 (€15,000.00 )

‎FRANC-MACONNERIE / ANDERSON, James (ca 1678-1739)‎

Reference : 8970


‎The new book of Constitutions of the antient and honourable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. Containing their history, charges, regulations, &c. Collected and digested by order of the Grand Lodge from their old records, faithful traditions and Lodge-books, for the use of the Lodges. By James Anderson D. D.‎

‎ 1738 London: printed for Brothers Caesar Ward and Richard Chandler, booksellers, at the Ship without Temple-Bar; and sold at their shops in Coney-street, York, and at Scarborough-Spaw, 1738. In the vulgar year of Masonry 5738 [1738]. Un volume petit in-4° (155 x 189 mm) de X+[2]+230+[2] pages. Reliure de lépoque en veau marron, encadrement à froid sur les plats, dos à nerfs muet orné de filets (dos remplacé et coins refaits). Contenu : - Dédicace de louvrage au Prince de Galles Frédéric-Louis, par James Anderson; bandeau gravé avec les armes du prince, signé John Pine (pages III-VI).- «The author to the reader», et plan de louvrage, le tout daté de «Greter Court, Strand, 4 Nov. 1738» et signé James Anderson (pages VII-X). - «The sanction», i.e. approbation de louvrage par «John Rebis, secretary», «Caernarvon, Grand Master, John Ward, Deputy Grand Master, George Graham [&] Andrew Robinson Grand Wardens» (page 1 sans no).- planche gravée avec deux figures: lune représentant Hiram montrant le plan du temple au roi Salomon, dessin du frère J[ame]s Thornhill Esq. gravé par John Pine; lautre, anonyme, portant les armes et titres du marquis de Carnarvon, grand-maître en 1738 (page 2 sans no).- «The Constitutions Part I: The History of Masonry from the creation throughout the known earth; till true old architecture was demolishd by the Goths and at last revived in Italy », en sept chapitres: I. From the creation to Grand Master Nimrod, II. From Nimrod to Grand Master Solomon, III. From Solomon to Grand Master Cyrus, IV. From Cyrus to Grand Master Seleucus Nicator, V. From Seleucus to Grand Master Augustus Caesar, VI. From Augustus till the havock of the Goths, VII. The revival of old architecture, or the Augustans Stile»(pages 1-54). - «The Constitutions part II: The History of Masonry in Britain, from Julius Caesar, till the union of the crowns, 1603», en sept chapitres: I. From Julius Caesar to the first arrival of the Saxons in Britain, II. From the first arrival of the Saxons, to William the Conqueror, III. Masonry in England from William the Conqueror to King Henry IV, IV. Masonry in England from Henry IV to the Royal Tewdors, V. Masonry in England from King Henry VII till the union of the crowns, A. D. 1603, VI. Masonry in Scotland till the union of the crowns, VII. Masonry in Irland till Grand Master Kingston A. D. 1730» (pages 55-96). - «The Constitutions part III: The History of Masonry in Britain, grom the union of the crowns to the times» en sept chapitres: I. The Augustan stile in Britain, from the union of the crowns 1603, till the Restoration 1660, II. From the Restoration 1660, till the Revolution 1688, III. From the Revolution to Grand Master Montagu 1721, IV. From Grand Master the Duke of Montagu to Grand Master Richmond, V. From Grand Master Richmond to Grand Master Norfolk, VI. From Grand Master Norfolk to Grand Master Craufurd, VII. From Grand Master Craufurd to the present G. Master Caermarthen [biffé et remplacé par: Carnarvan]» (pages 97-142).- «The Old charges of the Free and Accepted Masons, collected by the author from their old records, at the command of the Grand Master the present Duke of Montagu. Approved by the Grand Lodge, and ordered to be printed in the first edition of the Book of Constitutions on 25 March 1722», en six articles : «I. Of God and religion , II. Of the Civil magistrate supreme and subordinate, III. Concerning lodges, IV. Of Masters, wardens, fellows, and prentices, V, Of the Management of the craft in working », VI. Concerning Masons behaviour, [soit] 1) In the Lodge before closing, 2) After the Lodge is closed and the Brethren not gone, 3) At meeting without strangers, but not in a formed Lodge, 4) In presence of strangers not Masons, 5) At home and in your neighbourhood, 6) Towards a foreign Brother or stranger, VII. Concerning Law-suits. The ancient manner of constituting a Lodge (pages 143-151).- « The general Regulations of the Free and Accepted Masons. Compiled first by Brother George Payne [] A. D. 1720, []. Next by order of the Duke of Montagu when Grand Master, the author James Anderson []and the Grand Lodge having revisd ans approvd them, order em to be printed in the Book of Constitutions on 25 March 1722», en 39 articles traitant de lorganisation interne de lordre (pages 152-176), suivis de «New regulations» jusquen 1736 (pages 176-178).- «The Constitutions of the Committee of Masons charity first proposed at the Grand Lodge on 21 Nov. 1724» (pages 178-184).- «A list of the Lodges in and about London and Westminster» (pages 184-190).- «Deputations of several Grand Masters, to Wales, the country of England, and foreign parts» (pages 190-198). « The approbation of this Book of the Constitutions» par les dignitaires de la Grande Loge, datée du «25th January 1737/8 in the vulgar, year of Masonry 1737/8» (page 199). - « The Masters song [] by the author of this book[Anderson]», en 6 couplets (pages 200-201).- « The Wardens song [] by the author of this book [Anderson]» en 2 couplets (page 202).- « The Fellow-craft song, by Brother Charles De La Fay Esq » en 6 couplets (pages 203-204). - « The Enterd Prentices song, by Brother Mr. Matthew Birkhead » en 7 couplets (page 204-206).- «The Deputy Grand Masters song», en 7 couplets (pages 206-207).- «The Grand Wardens song, by Brother Oates», en 4 couplets (pages 207-208).- «The Treasurers song» en 4 couplets (page 209).- «The Secretarys song» en 4 couplets (page 210).- «The Sword-bearers song» en 4 couplets (pages 211-212).- «An ode to the Free Masons» en 2 couplets (page 212).- «An ode an Masonry, by Brother J. Bancks» en 12 couplets (pages 213-215).- «A defence of Masonry, publishd A. D. 1730, occasiond by a pamphlet calld Masonry dissected» (pages 216-226). - «Brother Euclids letter to the author against unjust cavils» (pages 226-228).- liste des Frères et des Loges qui ont «encouragé» lauteur (pages 229-230).- «Corrigenda» (page 1 sans no).- Catalogue des libraires Caesar Ward et Richard Chandler (page 2 sans no).‎

‎RARE SECONDE EDITION des Constitutions dAnderson. Ce texte fondateur de la maçonnerie spéculative moderne fut rédigé en 1721-1722 par James Anderson (ca 1678-1739) - peut-être avec le concours de John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683-1744), mais la chose est aujourdhui contestée - à linitiative de John, 2eme duc de Montagu (1690-1749), grand-maître de la Grande Loge de Londres et de Westminster, afin de réguler des pratiques traditionnelles mais mal fixées. Si les Constitutions de 1723 ont été rédigées à lexpresse demande du groupement des loges créé en 1717, les Constitutions de 1738 relèvent dune initiative propre dAnderson, qui prit de grandes libertés doctrinales par rapport au texte primitif; de ce fait cette version ne fut jamais été reconnue comme officielle par la Grande Loge de Londres et de Westminster «et il a fallu plusieurs mises en vente avec de nouvelles pages de titre et frontispices pour en achever de vendre le stock» (Philippe Langlet: Les Constitutions de 1723 et leurs traductions en français). ‎

Phone number : 021/312 85 42

EUR15,000.00 (€15,000.00 )

‎Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari (ed), Babuji Maharaj (att), Swami Vivekananda (att)‎

Reference : 0458


ISBN : 8188813052

‎Whispers from the Brighter World‎

‎Chennai, Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, 2005. En anglais. Édition commémorative spéciale Jubilé de Diamant. Un épais volume in-8 de 213 x 143 mm pour 7 cm d'épaisseur et (xiv) 681 pp. (ff). Relié plein cuir nubuck au ton tabac, plats richement embossés ton sur ton avec de multiples encadrements, floral, fileté, à traits perpendiculaires et points et encadrement final cousu avec le titre en cursive ton sur ton au milieu. Double encadrement orné embossé au dos, titre également en cursives. Motif de la SMSF embossé en quatrième de couverture. Toutes tranches dorées, tranchefile marron, signet rouge. Pages de garde d'un jaune doré à motifs en mandala avec espace prédéfini pour ex-libris, laissé vide. Le livre est accompagné d'un grand boîtier clamshell (270 x 206 mm pour 8 cm d'épaisseur) au ton caramel et à l'intérieur vanille doré, avec un mandala doré au contreplat du couvercle, un aimant de fermeture et un signet doré facilitant la sortie du livre. Nombreux portraits de chefs spirituels en sépia sur des pages en papier calque. Sommaire : An Invitation, Messages from my Mother Janaki Rajagopalan, Messages from Revered Lalaji Maharaj, Messages from Revered Babuji Maharaj, Prophecies from Revered Babuji Maharaj, Messages to All Members of the Human Fraternity from Revered Babuji Maharaj, Messages from my Wife Sulochana, Message from Swami Vivekananda, Message from Maitreya. Boîtier légèrement abîmé, petits points d'usures et de frottement au plat avant et aux arêtes. Taches d'humidité très légères sur le cuir, quasi imperceptibles, sinon en excellent état. Intérieur absolument propre. ******************************************************************************** Chennai, Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, 2005. In English. Special Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Edition. A thick octavo volume of 213 x 143 mm by 7 cm thick and (xiv) 621 pp. Bound in full tobacco-colored nubuck leather, richly embossed tone-on-tone covers with multiple frames, floral, filleted, with perpendicular lines and dots and final frame sewn with the title in tone-on-tone cursive in the center. Double embossed decoration on the spine, title also in cursive. SMSF symbol embossed on the back cover. All edges gilt, brown headbands, red bookmark. Golden yellow endpapers with mandala patterns featuring a predefined space for bookplates, left blank. The book is accompanied by a large clamshell case (270 x 206 mm for 8 cm thick) in caramel tone and golden vanilla interior, with a golden mandala on the inside cover, a closing magnet and a golden bookmark facilitating the removal of the book. Numerous portraits of spiritual leaders in sepia on tracing paper pages. Contents: An invitation, Messages from my mother Janaki Rajagopalan, Messages from the venerable Lalaji Maharaj, Messages from the venerable Babuji Maharaj, Prophecies from the venerable Babuji Maharaj, Messages to all members of the human fraternity from the venerable Babuji Maharaj, Messages from my wife Sulochana, Message from Swami Vivekananda, Message from Maitreya. Case slightly damaged, small points of wear and friction on the front cover and edges. Very light, almost imperceptible white stains on the leather, otherwise in excellent condition. Inside absolutely clean and crisp.‎

‎D'une rareté absolue. ********* An absolute rarity.‎

Librairie Noisette - Bragança Paulista

Phone number : 11 993 805 830

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )

‎Achim Lichtenberger, Rubina Raja (eds)‎

Reference : 64890

‎Architectural Elements, Wall Paintings, and Mosaics. Final Publications from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project IV‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 2 vols, xiv + 446 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:371 b/w, 842 col., 15 tables b/w., 1 tables col., 3 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503596662.‎

‎Summary The Decapolis city of Jerash has long attracted attention from travellers and scholars, due both to the longevity of the site and the remarkable finds uncovered during successive phases of excavation that have taken place from 1902 onwards. Between 2011 and 2016, a Danish-German team, led by the universities of Aarhus and M nster, focused their attention on the Northwest Quarter of Jerash ? the highest point within the walled city ? and this is the fourth in a series of books presenting the team's final results. This two-part set offers a comprehensive presentation of Jerash's rich building heritage from the Late Hellenistic period up to the city's destruction in the mid-eighth century ad through a discussion of architectural elements, together with analysis of the mosaics, wall paintings, and building ceramics excavated from the Northwest Quarter. As well as providing a general overview of the city's changing patterns of habitation, the contributions gathered here also include close case- studies and object biographies that shed new light on the intense use, reuse, and recycling of materials that testify to evolving urban practices and optimization of resources across the Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic periods. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1: Architecture and Building Ceramics Contextualizing Finds from Complex Urban Archaeological Contexts: Methodological Considerations on the Architectural Elements, Building Materials, and Mosaics from the Northwest Quarter (2011-2016) ? ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Architectural Elements from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash ? PATRIC-ALEXANDER KREUZ Byzantine Interior Decorational Elements from the Northwest Quarter ? ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA A Monumental Architectural Limestone Block with Altar Iconography ? ACHIM LICHTENBERGER AND RUBINA RAJA Ceramic Building Materials from the Northwest Quarter ? PHILIP EBELING An Archaeo-Scientific Analysis of Building Ceramics from the Northwest Quarter ? PHILIP EBELING AND GRY H. BARFOD 'Misfired' Ceramic Tegulae from the Northwest Quarter ? GRY H. BARFOD, PHILIP EBELING, AND CHARLES E. LESHER Volume 2: Wall Paintings and Mosaics Wall Paintings from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash: Roman to Middle Islamic Periods ? KRISTINE DAMGAARD THOMSEN The Colour Palette of the Northwest Quarter: Geochemical Evidence from Pigments Used on Roman and Early Islamic Wall Decorations ? GRY H. BARFOD The Mosaics: In-situ Floors and Fragments in Jerash ? WILLIAM T. WOOTTON Mosaic Glass Tesserae from the Northwest Quarter of Jerash ? CRISTINA BOSCHETTI AND WILLIAM T. WOOTTON About the Authors‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎Patricia Ciner, Alyson Nunez (eds)‎

Reference : 64941

‎Discoveries of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity. Their Impact on Patristic Studies and the Contemporary World (Conference Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Patristic Studies)‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 424 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, Language(s):English, Spanish. ISBN 9782503591490.‎

‎Summary This book offers an anthology from the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies, ?The Discoveries of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity: Their Impact on Patristic Studies and the Contemporary World?, which took place in San Juan, Argentina, in March 2017. The aim of this event was to analyze and assess 20th- and 21st-century discoveries of manuscripts from Late Antiquity. Indeed, complete libraries of manuscripts, as well as individual documents of great importance for our understanding of historical authors and situations, have come to light after having been buried for millennia. Just some examples are the incredible discoveries of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic library, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Origen of Alexandria's homilies, and Augustine's sermons, among others. Rather than being passive documents, these manuscripts pose numerous questions to specialists from a diverse array of fields, demanding new evaluations of a past that was already thought to be understood and judged. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: The Discovery of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity: An Open Debate in Patristic Studies and in Contemporary Times (Patricia Ciner) Chapter 1. The Discovery of the Manuscripts of Qumran and the Apocryphal Literature: Their Impact on Patristic Studies Brief Introduction to the Topic (Magdalena D az-Araujo) Manuscripts of Christian Apocrypha: The Texts and their Use (Alberto D'Anna) The Mystery of Melchizedek in Early Christianity in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Adolfo D. Roitman) Health and Disease in Qumran Texts and Jewish Apocryphal Literature (Juan Carlos Alby) Chapter 2. The Discovery of Origen's Manuscripts and those of the Alexandrian Tradition: Their Impact on Patristic Studies Brief Introduction to the Topic (Anders-Christian Jacobsen) Origen's Renaissance in the Twentieth Century and the Recovery of his Literary Heritage: New Finds and Philological Advancement (Lorenzo Perrone) Self-knowledge and Dispersion in the Alexandrian Tradition (Rub n Peret Rivas) Chapter 3. The Discovery of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Library: Its Impact on Patristic Studies Brief Introduction to the Topic (Mariano Troiano) Corpus Gnosticum. Noticias y fuentes sobre los Gn sticos incluida la Biblioteca de nag hammadi y otros hallazgos anteriores menos conocidos (Francisco Garc a Baz n) What Difference Does the Gospel of Judas Make? (David Brakke) Magic and Theology. Barbaric Utterances in the Pistis Sophia and their Different Levels of Interpretation (Mariano Troiano) Chapter 4. The Discovery of Coptic and Syriac Manuscripts: Their Impact on Patristic Studies Brief Introduction to the Topic (Patricia Ciner) The Discovery of Coptic Manuscripts and the Development of Patristic Studies: Methodological and Epistemological Issues and the Challenge of Some New Research Projects (Alberto Camplani) Recovering Late-Antique Christian Identities: The Ongoing Discovery and Rediscovery of Syriac Manuscripts, their Diversity, and Limitations (Luise Marion Frenkel) Chapter 5. The Discovery of Collections of Letters from the Patristic Era: Its Impact on Western History Brief Introduction to the Topic (Patricia Ciner) The Vision of God and Augustine's De uidendo deo liber unus (= ep. 147) (Oscar Vel squez) Pope Leo I's Letters on ?The Manichean Perversity? (Bronwen Neil) Chapter 6. Manuscripts from Late Antiquity and from the Patristic Period: Their Discovery, Conservation and Digital Publication Brief Introduction to the Topic (Patricia Ciner) Writing Materials of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Ira Rabin) La ?vocaci n patr stica? de la Biblioteca Vaticana (Cesare Pasini) The Impact of Recent Archaeological, Historical and Literary Discoveries for the Study of Patristics (Angelo Di Berardino) Chapter 7. The Discovery of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity and its Impact on the Contemporary World Brief Introduction to the Topic (Patricia Ciner) Papyri, Parchments, and Ostraca and the Study of Ancient Christianity Today (Theodore De Bruyn) The Impact of the Rediscovery of Manuscripts on Theology and Religious Culture after the Second World War (Marco Rizzi)‎


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