‎WEINER LAWRENCE (né en 1942)‎
‎10 Works‎

‎ 1971 Paris, Yvon Lambert, 1971, 170x110mm, 88 pages non numérotées, broché sous couverture imprimée. Tirage de 100o exemplaires. Etat neuf. Dieter Schwarz n°4.(101592) ‎

Reference : 101592


€180.00 (€180.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : X114408


‎Hittitica philologica : Convolute of 10 works on the Hittite language‎

‎Stuttgart, e.a., 1945-1961 10 works bound together in one physical volume, nice modern hardcover in half cloth and marbled boards, 24cm., good condition, weight: 1.3kg., [Content: 1: SOMMER F., Hethiter und Hethitisch (Stuttgart, 1947, 111pp.) / 2: LAROCHE E., Recherches sur les noms des dieux hittites (Paris, 1947, 141pp.) / 3: PEDERSEN H., Lykisch und Hittitisch (Kobenhavn, 1945, 77pp.) / 4: Collectif, Conférence de l'institut de linguistique de l'université de Paris, IX année 1949 (Paris, 1950, 94pp.) / 5: LAROCHE E., Recueil d'onomastique hittite (Paris, 1951, 153pp.) / 6: BILGIC Emin, Die einheimischen Appelativa der kappadokischen Texte und ihre Bedeutung für die anatolischen Sprachen (Ankara, 1954, 88pp.) / 7: FRIEDRICH J., Sprachliches zu den hetthitischen Gesetzen (sonderdruck aus Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, 14pp.) / 8: Id., Zu AO24,3 (Aus dem hethitischen Schrifttum, .Heft) (sonderdrück id., [24] pp.) / 9: ROSENKRANZ B., Die hethitische hi-Konjugation und das idg. Perfekt (ca.1959, 8pp.) / 10: NEUMANN G., Untersuchungen zum Weiterleben hethitischen und luwischen Sprachgutes in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit (Wiesbaden, 1961, 115pp.)], X114408‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )

‎Various authors (GOTZE Albrecht, WITZEL Maurus O.F.M., PEDERSEN H., OTTEN Heinrich, e.a.)‎

Reference : X114411


‎Hittitica : Convolute of 10 works on the Hittite history and language‎

‎[Various places], 1924-1950 Collection of 10 works (mostly text editions or transcribed text editions) on Hittica bound in one physical volume, nice solid modern hardcover, 23cm., weight: 1.4kg., good condition, [Content: 1: GOTZE A., Ausgewählte hethitische Texte. Historischen und juristischen Inhalts transkribiert (Bonn, 1925, 26pp.) // 2: Kumarbi transkription (s.l., 32pp.) // 3: WITZEL M., Hethitische Keilschrift-Urkunden in transcription und Uebersetzung mit Kommentar. 1.Die Texte (Fulda, 1924, xv + 176pp.) // 4: GOTZE A., Hethitische Texte Heft.3: Madduwattas (Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1928, 178pp.+ 6 plates) // 5: GOTZE A. & PEDERSEN H., Mursilis Sprachlähmung. Ein hethitischen Text mit philologischen und linguistischen Erörterungen (Kobenhavn, 1934, vii + 83pp.) // 6: OTTEN Heinrich, Die Überlieferungen des Telipinu-Mythus (Inaugural-Dissertation, Friedrich-Wilhelms- Universität Berlin, 1940, 79pp.) // 7: GUTERBOCK Hans Gustav, Kumarbi. Mythen von churritischen Kronos aus den hethitischen Fragmenten zusammengestellt übersetzt und erklärt (Istanbul, 1946, viii + 128pp.) // 8: FRIEDRICH Johannes, Der churritische Mythus vom Schlangendämon Hedammu in hethitischer Sprache (1949, [25] pp.) // 9: FRIEDRICH J., Churritische Märchen und Sagen in hethitischer Sprache (1950, [38] pp.) // 10: CAVAIGNAC E., Les annales de Subbiluliuma (Strasbourg, Heitz, 1931, 27pp.)], X114411‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )

‎Weiner, Lawrence:‎

Reference : 50337BB


‎10 works.‎

‎(Paris), Yvon Lambert éditeur (1971). 11x17 cm. 44 n.n. S. Originalbroschur.‎

‎Schwarz, Bücher Nr. 4. - Originalausgabe. - Von Weiner auf der ersten Seite signiert. - Gedruckt in 1000 Exemplaren. - Englisch/Französische Textvariationen.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF300.00 (€321.56 )

Reference : alb0dc317dc42fefc59

‎Pushkin A. S. Pushkins Works in 10 Volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Push‎

‎Pushkin A. S. Pushkins Works in 10 Volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Pushkin A. S. Sochineniya A. S. Pushkina v 10-ti tomakh. T.1.Appendices: A biography of A.S. Pushkin his portraits and drawings. - Pyramid notes and additions. Volume 1 2 3 7 8 9 10. St. Petersburg Edition by A.S. Suvorin. 1887. Solid semi-leather. Volume 1. Poems and fairy tales. Volume 2-3. Dramatic works. Poems. Volume 7. Historical works and a trip to Arzrum. Volume 8. Letters. Volume 9. Diary notes. Historical articles and various notes. Volume 10. Lyceum poems and passages. This collection of works by A.S. Pushkin dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the poets death included his poetic and prose works diaries and letters of the poet critical bibliographic polemical and historical notes We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb0dc317dc42fefc59‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR699.00 (€699.00 )

‎"BOHR, NIELS. [translator:] PROFESSOR GE GE.‎

Reference : 57925


‎Ni’ersi Bo’er ji [Chinese, i.e. ""Niels Bohr Collected Works""]. Vols. 1-10 [out of 12]. - [WITH DEDICATION FROM THE TRANSLATOR]‎

‎Shanghai, Huadong shifan daxue chubanshe, 1986 - 2001. 8vo. 10 volumes, all in publisher's uniform full cloth bindings with gilt lettering to spines and front boards. All volumes with presentation inscription from the translator to Niels Bohr's son, Ernest Bohr: ""To Mr. Ernest Bohr with / highest respect from / GeGe"". A fine and clean set of the first 10 volumes of Niels Bohr Collected Works.‎

‎First Chinese, and overall, translation of 'Niels Bohr Collected Works' with dedication inscription from the translator ot Bohr's son Ernest Bohr. Translator Prof. Ge Ge found Bohr’s personality and mode of thinking in harmony with traditional Chinese culture, which may be part of the explanation for his lifelong dedication to Niels Bohr and his work, and his great effort to translate and publish the only non-English edition of the Niels Bohr Collected Works in existence today. The first volume in English had appeared in 1972, and Ge Ge was able to publish a Chinese translation in 1986, fourteen years later.Ge Ge’s enthusiasm not only led to the Collected Works being published with impressive promptness in China, but no doubt provided additional motivation for the Director of the Niels Bohr Archive to prepare the volumes faster. In this way, Ge Ge had an influence even on the publication of the original edition. In 2001 Ge Ge received the prestigeousDanish Order of the Dannebrog “for hiscontribution to increasing the Chinese understanding of Danish science and promoting the Denmark-China scientific cooperation. He was in fact able to translate all the volumes of the Collected Works, the last volume of which was published in English in 2006. It testifies to Ge Ge’s dedication that he enthusiastically went on with the work in spite of having lost his eyesight" he died the following year. The volumes contain the following: Vol. 1: Early Work (1905-1911) Vol. 2: Work on Atomic Physics (1912-1917)Vol. 3: The Correspondence Principle (1918-1923) Vol. 4: The Periodic System (1920-1923)Vol. 5: The Emergence of Quantum Mechanics (mainly 1924-1926) Vol. 6: Foundations of Quantum Physics I (1926-1932) Vol. 7: Foundations of Quantum Physics II (1933-1958) Vol. 8: The Penetration of Charged Particles through Matter (1912-1954)Vol. 9: Nuclear Physics (1929-1952) Vol. 10: Complementarity beyond Physics (1928-1962) ‎


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