New York Fluxus 1963 100x1800mm New York, Fluxus, bande 100x1800mm en trois parties collées entres elles, impression offset sur papier verge, état neuf. "yes, it was still there. shutting his eyes would not make it flee once he opened them again. it had no father, no mother, yet there it was, just as he had conceived it between unwritten sheets. he stroke it gently, then lifted it tenderly to the night table, where he placed it, without spilling a drop of its efficacy, plop in the middle of a folded kleenex." " An Opera " se vendait séparément, mais il entrait également dans la composition de la plupart des " Fluxus1 " et des " Fluxkit " Silverman 528 ; Hendricks 581. (100370)
Reference : 100370
100x1800mm Pas de jaquette Bande En Trois Parties Collées
Librairie Chloé et Denis Ozanne Déesse sarl
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Reference : bd-19187fd282f4dbe
An African. An opera in five acts. Music by J. Meyer. Translated by Kears. M. The musical trade of P. Juergenson, 1892. 711s. 16.8x12.8 sm./Afrikanka. Opera v pyati deystviyakh. Muzyka Dzh. Meyerbera. Perevod Kirsa. M. Muzykalnaya torgovlya P. Yurgensona, 1892. 711s. 16,8x12,8 sm. An African. An opera in five acts. Music by J. Meyer. Translated by Kears. M. The musical trade of P. Juergenson, 1892. 711s. 16.8x12.8 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-19187fd282f4dbe.
Rolls House Publishing Company. March 1963. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 147 à 210. Nombreuses photographies en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 782.1-Théâtre musical, opéra
Revue en anglais. Sommaire : Editor's comment - Has the BBC an opera policy ?, The bolshoi and its problems, A gallery of great singers by Desmond Shawe-Taylor, 12 : Vanni Marcoux, Opera on the gramophone : 12, Der Rosenkavalier on 78 by Alan Jefferson, Touchstone or love test ? by Arthur Jacobs Classification Dewey : 782.1-Théâtre musical, opéra
Reference : bd-5208dc46b268ebb1
Bagritsky, Duma about Opanas. An opera for young people in 5 paintings with a prologue of libretto by V. Garlitsky and M. Krasev/Bagritskiy, Duma pro Opanasa. Opera dlya yunoshestva v 5 kartinakh s prologom libretto V. Garlitskogo i M. Kraseva Rare regional edition of Bagritsky, Duma about Opanas. An opera for young people in 5 paintings with a prologue of libretto by W. Garlitsky and M. Krasev (based on a poem by E. Bagritsky), music by M. Krasev. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd--5208dc46b268ebb1.
Rolls House Publishing Company. October 1960. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 665 à 717. Nombreuses photographies en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 782.1-Théâtre musical, opéra
Revue en anglais. Classification Dewey : 782.1-Théâtre musical, opéra
Reference : albc79db29a2822ddc5
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus / Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus. A magic flute. An opera in two acts. A keyboard for singing from the piano. / Notes /. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus / Motsart Volfgang Amadey. Volshebnaya fleyta. Opera v 2-kh deystviyakh. Klavir dlya peniya s fortepiano. /Noty/. Lyrics of vocal parts in Russian and German. Moscow Muzyka 1982 222 2 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbc79db29a2822ddc5