Reference : CVE3RT
ISBN : 9782080670830
Flammarion Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1999 362 pages
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Chez la Veuve de Charles Savreux 1671 672 pages in-8. 1671. Plein cuir Dos à nerfs orné de caissons dorés. 672 pages. Bandeaux lettrines et culs-de-lampe. Instructions chrestiennes sur les mysteres de notre seigneur Jésus-Christ et sur les principales festes de l'année - Première Partie Premier Volume
Etat correct. Reliure en état correct avec les coins émoussés un léger manque en queue de dos et un mors fendillé. Intérieur un peu jauni avec quelques galeries de vers marginales aux dernières pages
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 300 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503602561.
Summary This collection of essays aims to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to nineteenth and early twentieth century scholarship on Jesus and early Christianity, which illustrates the width and depth of the questions that critical reflections on the historical Jesus raised in and beyond the field of liberal theology. More precisely, it focuses on Jesus scholarship as practiced in various disciplines and fields that engaged with the academic study of religion. On the other hand, this volume aims for a comprehensive, multi-perspectivist historicization of this scholarship, considering the full range of religious, cultural, racial, political, and national dynamics that hosted the many controversies over the historical Jesus. Divided into five sections, the eleven essays in this book are organized according to guiding themes and a loose chronological structure. The first section revisits the roots of the Forschung in Liberal-Protestant Germany, and especially focuses on the maturation of historical-critical consciousness in the work of Reimarus (and his predecessors), Schleiermacher and Strauss. The second section is concerned with the rise of the ?oriental Jesus? against the background of the making of the academic, non-theological study of religion as a scientific discipline. The third section explores how themes related to the historical Jesus and the rise of Christianity were treated among different academic disciplines from the early second half of the nineteenth century onwards. The fourth section explores how the historical Jesus was at the same time further explored by the biblical scholars and theologians who integrated new comparative methods in their research. The fifth section, finally, highlights the cultural-political appropriations that were made of scholarly writings on Jesus, which not rarely constituted the bricks with which radical political movements built their houses. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction (Cristiana Facchini & Annelies Lannoy) Section 1: Disentangling the Jesus of History from the Christ of Faith 1. Reimarus' Dangerous Idea: Launching a Historical Research of Christian Origins in the German Enlightenment (Fernando Bermejo-Rubio) 2. Betwixt and Between: Fr. Schleiermacher's and D. Fr. Strauss's Contributions to the Paradigm of the 'Historical Jesus' in Early Nineteenth Century Theology as Prototypes of Post-Enlightenment Christology and Jesus Research (Eckart David Schmidt) Section 2: The Historical Jesus between Academic Scholarship and Public Debate 3. 'One Cannot Be a Good Historian and a Good Controversialist at the Same Time': The Politics of Historiography in Renan's Histoire des Origines du Christianisme from Jesus to Paul, 1863-1869 (Robert D. Priest) 4. An Eastern Story: Claude Reignier Conder and the Oriental Jesus (Michael Ledger-Lomas) Section 3: Jesus at the Crossroads of Disciplines 5. Early Christianity in the Framework of Roman Religion: Georg Wissowa (Elisabeth Begemann & J rg R pke) 6. The Passion as Purim Sacrifice: Jesus and Comparative Religion in the Dialogue between James G. Frazer and Salomon Reinach (Annelies Lannoy) 7. The Sociological Gospel of Shailer Mathews (1863-1941) (C. J. T. Talar) Section 4: The Comparative Jesus in Liberal Theology 8. 'Religionizing' History, or 'Historicizing' Religion? Johann G. Droysen's Hellenismus in Wilhelm Bousset's Works on Jesus and Early Christianity (Luca Arcari) 9. Danish Contributions to the Life of Jesus Literature (Mogens M ller) Section 5: Cultural Mythmaking on Jesus 10. Enlisting Religion: Franz Overbeck's Criticism of the Socialist and Nationalist Mythmaking on Jesus and Early Christianity (Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli) 11. The Historical Jesus at the Battlefield: Scholarship and Politics in Italy, 1900s-1920s (Cristiana Facchini) Names Index
Fayard, 1996 - Deux Volumes non séparés, 237 et 540 pages, couvertures ill souples, bel ensemble in octavo broché.
Jésus est une figure majeure de l'humanité. Il a changé la face du monde. Mis à mort et rejeté siècle après siècle, il inquiète encore la conscience culturelle des hommes. Il attire et il fait peur. On souhaite à la fois le connaître et s'en débarrasser. Le succès de tant de best-sellers qui réduisent ou caricaturent Jésus s'explique ainsi. lls gagnent sur les deux versants de cette inquiétude latente .: ils " font connaître " Jésus et nous en débarrassent. Eternel problème depuis 2000 ans.Inutile de polémiquer, dit l'abbé Laurentin. Cela ne fait qu'augmenter leur publicité. Il s'agit moins de défendre Jésus que de le manifester. Il s'agit moins de démontrer que de le montrer.D'où cette vie de Jésus pas comme les autres : non pas des discussions, des dissertations, des-jugements surlésus, mais Jésus tel qu'en lui-même.Cette vie fera lire intégralement les quatre Evangiles : textes merveilleux qui restent le best-seller numéro un, depuis l'invention de l'imprimerie, vendu à des dizaines de millions d'exemplaires par ans cette vie authentique de Jésus est un récit suivi, dans l'ordre chronologique, éclairé pas à pas par les données archéologiques, topographiques, sociales, culturelles, politiques, théologiques aussi, qui précisent le corps du récit avec un éclairage intérieur qui fait pénétrer l'intimité de Dieu fait homme.Justifications et preuves sont rassemblées dans le deuxième volume .Cette vie se veut authentique selon l'histoire et selon l'intégrité de Jésus dont on sa-acharne à escamoter la quatrième dimension. C'est pour- quoi le titre nest pas Jésus ( un autre Jésus parmi tant de Jésus de comédie fabriqués par les hommes. Une lecture bien éclairée des Evangiles permet de saisir cliniquement la psychologie humaine et la dimension transcendante plus discrète, mais essentielle de Jésus Sauveur.Ce volume, dune conception entièrement nouvelle, révolutionnaire, sera discuté. attaqué. .. Impossible d'écrire une vie de Jésus, prétend le courant réducteur. - Très bon état Franco de port pour la France par MONDIAL RELAY dés 20 euros pour les ouvrages modernes . Paiement immédiat par Paypal . Chèques et virement acceptés. Votre Libraire vous accompagne dans toutes les étapes de vos achats. Achat et déplacement France Suisse.
9 vol. in-8 reliure demi-basane marron, Spes, 1929-1937. Liste des titres : 1929 : Jésus et l'Histoire - La Dévotion du Devoir ; 1930 : Jésus Messie - La Bonté de Dieu ; 1931 : Le Thaumaturge et les Prophètes - Jésus Chef-d'Oeuvre de Dieu ; 1932 : Jésus Fils de Dieu - Les Joies du Mal ; 1933 : La Personne de Jésus - La Vie divine dans l'Ame du Chrétien ; 1934 : Jésus Lumière du monde - Notre intimité avec Dieu ; 1935 : L'Héritage de Jésus - Aimez-Vous ! ; 1936 : Jésus Rédempteur - La Montée des Ames ; 1937 : Jésus vivant dans l'Eglise - Tables - L'Autre Vie
Rare réunion complète des Conférences ainsi que des Retraites pascales à Notre-Dame de Paris, données par le père jésuite Pinard de la Boullaye, de 1929-1937. Bon état (anciens cachets d'institution religieuse, étiquettes de cote en mors)
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 534 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:32 b/w, Languages: English, Italian, French. ISBN 9782503583273.
Summary Within the contemporary renewal of the exegetical and historical research on Jesus and early Christianity, this book stresses the importance of new epistemological and methodological perspectives in exegesis and History of Christianity (from the point of view of Cultural Anthropology and Comparative Religion). The articles of the first section present a consequent interpretation of Jesus within Jewish culture of the First century. Jesus activity is located within the Jewish movement of John the Baptizer. His words and political attitude is interpreted in the Jewish context of the Land of Israel under Roman administration. His movement is seen as a sub-group within Jewish society. The section dedicated to the first groups of Jesus' disciples in the Land of Israel and in the ancient Mediterranean world mainly focuses on three constellations of questions: (a) the multiplicity and fractionation of Jesus' groups, for example in Jerusalem in the period between 30 an 70 of the First century, (b) the fact that the post-Jesus Movement was sociologically characterized by a multiplicity of sub-groups of Jewish groups and movements; (c) the radical modifications provoked by the abandonment of Jewish contexts when the majority of followers was composed by Gentiles with limited relation with the daily practice of Jewish life and religion. Particular attention is dedicated to the connection of contemporary research with the interpretations of Jesus and early Christianity developed in the modern age. TABLE OF CONTENTS Adriana Destro, Mauro Pesce, Questions about Christian origins. An introduction I. Methodology F. Remotti, A immagine di Dio. Dalla critica delle identit al nodo delle somiglianze F. Sbardella, Silence and Words: Monastic Soundscapes S. C. Mimouni, Les paroles et les actions de J sus de Nazareth dans le juda sme de son temps. Quelques remarques et r flexions d'un historien L. Arcari, "Alethurgical" Discourses on Jesus. The Gospel-Narrations as "True Discourses" R. Alciati, Contra fontes: una via d'uscita dalla crisi per la Storia del cristianesimo D. Ullucci, Sacrifice, Supersition and the Problem of 'Spiritual' Offerings II. From Jesus to His First Followers A. Destro - M. Pesce, The Groups of Jesus' Followers in Jerusalem. Fractionation and Divergencies (30-70 CE) F. Adinolfi, Jesus and the Aims of John: Abandoning the Underivable Jesus G. Massinelli, The Parable of the Two Sons and the Quest for the Authentic Parables of Jesus C. Facchini, Historicizing Jesus: Leon Modena (1571-1648) and the Magen ve-herev F. Bermejo Rubio, Was Von dem Zwecke Jesu und seiner J nger an Innovative Contribution? On Reimarus' Significance in the History of Jesus Research III. James, Peter, and Paul. Literature, Archeology, and Documentary Papyri C. Carletti, Archeological Investigations Under the Vatican Basilica: from Pope Pacelli's Project to Revisions of the 50s P. De Santis, La 'memoria' di Pietro in Vaticano: morfologia e funzionalit P. Artz-Grabner, Census Declarations, Birth Returns, and Marriage Contracts on Papyrus and Paul's Ideas on These Matters C. Antonelli, The death of James the Just according to Hegesippus (Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History 2,23,10-18). Narrative Construction, Biblical Testimonia and Comparison with the Other Known Traditions IV. Early Christian Groups and Literature A. Annese, The Gospel of Thomas and Paul: Status Quaestionis, Historical Trajectories, Methodological Notes T. Witulski, A New Perspective on Dating the Book of Revelation M. Sommer, How Jewish is the (Ethiopic) Apocalypse of Peter? G. Marchioni, Shepherds and Good Shepherd: Text and Images in Pastoral Metaphors E. Rubens Urciuoli, Tertullian, the Bishops of Elvira, and the Precession of Simulacra. Unpacking Strategies of a Christian Political Engagement before Constantine F. Berno, Erasing Apocalypticism: An Historical Trajectory from the "School of Valentinus" to Plotinus (and vice versa) L. Cerioni, Feminine and Bridal Imagery in the Book of Baruch of the Gnostic Teacher Justin