Reference : 25992VPED
London : Cresset Press Relié D'occasion état correct 01/01/1952 150 pages
Fenêtre sur l'Asie
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Reference : alb8625902ef735a468
Mironov B.N. The social history of Russia during the imperial period (XVIII-earl. St. Petersburg Dmitry Bulanin 1999. 548 566s. SKUalb8625902ef735a468.
Reference : albdeb84fb3944dedbe
Mironov B.N. The social history of imperial Russia (18th-early 20th century): the genesis of the individual the democratic family civil society and the rule of law. In two volumes. /Mironov B.N. Sotsial'naya istoriya Rossii perioda imperii (XVIII-nachalo KhKh v.): genezis lichnosti demokraticheskoy sem'i grazhdanskogo obshchestva i pravovogo gosudarstva. V 2-kh tomakh. St. Petersburg Dmitry Bulanin 1999. 548 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbdeb84fb3944dedbe
Reference : alb23511770faf25d2c
Struve P. B. The social and economic history of Russia from ancient times to our own in connection with the development of Russian culture and the growth of Russian statehood. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Struve P. B. Sotsialnaya i ekonomicheskayStruve P. B. The social and economic history of Russia from ancient times to our own in connection with the development of Russian culture and the growth of Russian statehood. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Struve P. B. Sotsialnaya i ekonomicheskaya istoriya Rossii s drevneyshikh vremen do nashego v svyazi s razvitiem russkoy kultury i rostom rossiyskoy gosudarstvennosti.A posthumously published unfinished work with the attachment of some previously published articles from the field of Russian history and a list of works by P.B. Struve. Paris. 1952. 388 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb23511770faf25d2c
Reference : alb16789c0250658235
Struve P. B. The social and economic history of Russia from ancient times to our own in connection with the development of Russian culture and the growth of Russian statehood In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Struve P. B. Sotsialnaya i ekonomicheskayStruve P. B. The social and economic history of Russia from ancient times to our own in connection with the development of Russian culture and the growth of Russian statehood In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Struve P. B. Sotsialnaya i ekonomicheskaya istoriya Rossii s drevneyshikh vremen do nashego v svyazi s razvitiem russkoy kultury i rostom rossiyskoy gosudarstvennostiPosthumous Edition of Paris: YMCA-press 1952 387 pp. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb16789c0250658235
Canguilhem (Georges) et Taton (René), eds. - I.A. Andriaschvili et F.N. Tavadze - V.N. Bolchakov - Marjorie N. Boyer - Lorraine S. Boykin - Robert Angus Buchanan - Karel Cerny - Henri Goblot - Frank Greenaway - Barton G. Hacker - Jiri Majer - J. Meleshtchenko - E. Olszewski - Jacques Payen - Anna P. Ratkina - Mark B. Ravitch - Ladislas Reti on Juanelo Turriano and Basacle - Grigori Samsonov - I.A. Selimkhanov - Victor Sokolskii - Nina Stoskova - Charles Süsskind - Lidia Uvarova
Reference : 101123
Librairie Scientifique et Technique Albert Blanchard , Congrès International d'Histoire des Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur vert pale grand In-8 1 vol. - 106 pages
1ere édition, 1971 Contents, Chapitres : I.A. Andriaschvili et F.N. Tavadze : Technologie de la ciselure géorgienne de l'Antiquité à nos jours - V.N. Bolchakov : Contribution des ingénieurs français au développement des constructions en Russie, d'après les sources russes - Marjorie N. Boyer : Bridges and Mills sites in Medieval France - Lorraine S. Boykin : The history of two food preservation methods : Canning and freeze-drying - Robert Angus Buchanan : The contribution of archaeological to the history of technology - Karel Cerny : Le chemin de fer à chevaux de Ceske Budejovice à Linz et les origines de la locomotion terrestre sur le continent européen - Henri Goblot : Quelques faits nouveaux dans l'histoire des techniques d'acquisition de l'eau : Galeries drainantes et barrages-voutes - Frank Greenaway : Analytical chemistry and social legislation in the 19th century - Barton G. Hacker : The origins of Project Gemini : The idea of orbital rendezvous, 1929-1961 - Jiri Majer : Le développement de la technique minière en Europe centrale au XVIe siècle - J. Meleshtchenko : The specific character of technical sciences and their place in the system of scientific knowledge - E. Olszewski : La notion et le développement des sciences techniques - Jacques Payen : Une publication de 1784 en langue française sur la machine à vapeur à condenseur - Anna P. Ratkina : Fundamental and local regularities in the development of technology - Mark B. Ravitch : Histoire du développement des méthodes de l'utilisation du gaz et de son rôle dans le progrès technique - Ladislas Reti : The horizontal waterwheels of Juanelo Turriano, ca. 1565, a prelude to Basacle - Grigori Samsonov : Certains aspects de l'histoire du développement de la métallurgie des poudres - I.A. Selimkhanov : Bronzes et métaux anciens au Caucase - Victor Sokolskii : Les tendances principales du développement de la technique des fusées en U.R.S.S. avant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale - Nina Stoskova : The early blast-furnace factories in Russia - Charles Süsskind : Relatives roles of science and technology in early radar - Lidia Uvarova : The history of the development of technological means borders of the wrappers very lightly yellowing, else near fine copy, no markings, inside is clean