‎EBERS George ‎
‎The Emperor.‎

‎Couverture souple. Broché. 388 pages.‎

Reference : 96348

‎Livre en anglais. George Munro publisher (Collection : Seaside library. Pocket édition N° 1106), Fin XIXe. Vers 1900.‎

€16.20 (€16.20 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

Reference : alb1d6ee6b530e479a3

‎Sebeos. Preface and Note by K. Patkanyan History of the Emperor Herakles. Writin‎

‎Sebeos. Preface and Note by K. Patkanyan History of the Emperor Herakles. Writing by Bishop Sebeos 7th century writer. Translation from Armenian In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sebeos. Predisl. i primech. K. Patkan'yana Istoriya imperatora Irakla. Sochinenie episkopa Sebeosa pisatelya VII veka. Perevod s armyanskogo Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).The author of the book Emperor Irakli's contemporary is a seventh-century Armenian historian. His main work the chronicle of Emperor Irakli's history chronicles the reign of Emperor Irakli I until 661. Little is known about Sebeos himself. Researchers call him a bishop in the possession of influential Armenian princes Bagratuni and claim that he attended the Dva Council of the Armenian Apostolic Church convened by Neres III in 645. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb1d6ee6b530e479a3‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR2,199.00 (€2,199.00 )

‎Katrien Lichtert‎

Reference : 64824

‎Margaretha van Parma The Emperor's Daughter between Power and Image‎

‎, Hannibal Books, 2024 HB, 265 x 215 mm, 240 pages, illustrated in color, ENG edition. ISBN 9789464941333.‎

‎The Emperor's Daughter between Power and Image Margaret, Duchess of Parma (1522?1586), an extraordinarily fascinating figure, has slipped through the cracks of history until recently. As the illegitimate daughter of Charles V, she had a rather unusual start in life. In time, however, Margaret became one of the most powerful women in Italy, attracting a lot of attention. In 1559, she was appointed governor-general of the Netherlands. She was also a keen art lover and patron of the arts. This book takes a closer look at the life of Margaret of Parma and the sumptuous court where she lived as a woman-in-power, with all the pomp and circumstance that involved, via fashion, art, music, festivities and the elite pursuit of hunting. It also examines the dangerous political atmosphere of the Low Countries at the time, with the Iconoclasm, the Dutch Revolt, the arrival of the Duke of Alba and the Eighty Years? War. The beautiful drawings from the Brussels Album (1555?56) bring Margaret?s wondrous world to life in an exceptional way. As do more than a hundred artworks ? portraits, paintings and luxury objects ? from the sixteenth century. Authors from different disciplines look at every aspect of Margaret?s life and times, to ensure that the emperor?s daughter finally occupies her rightful place in history. Publication accompanying the exhibition Margaret. The Emperor's Daughter between Power and Image at MOU‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎STAUNTON, George Leonard (Sir) / MACARTNEY, George (Lord) ‎

Reference : 6655


‎AN AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF AN EMBASSY FROM KING OF GREAT BRITAIN TO THE EMPEROR OF CHINA; including cursory observations made, and informationS obtained, in travelling through that ancient empire, and a small port of Chinese Tartary. Together with a relation of THE VOYAGE UNDERTAKEN ON THE OCCASION by his majestys ship the Lion, and the ship Hindostan, in the east India Companys service, to the yellow sea, and Gulf of Pekin; as well as of their return to Europe; With notices of the several places where they stopped in their way out and home; being the Islands of Madeira, Tenerife, and St. Jago; the port of Rio de Janeiro in South America; the Island of St. Helena, Tristan dAcunha, and Amsterdam; the Coast of Java, and Sumatra, the Nanka Isles, Pulo Condore, and Cochin-China. Taken chiefly from the papers of His Excellence the EARL OF MACCARTNEY, Knight of the Bath, His Majestys Embassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of China; Sir Erasmus Gower, Commander of the Expedition, and of other Gentlemen in the several departments of the Embassy. By SIR GEORGE STAUNTON, Baronet, Honorary Doctor of Laws of the University of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal Society of London, his Majestys Secretary of Embassy to the Emperor of China [].London, W. Bulmer, G. Nicol, 1797. ‎

‎ 1797 London, W. Bulmer, G. Nicol, 1797. 2 vol. in-4 de texte (25 x 31.5 cm) et 1 atlas in-fol. de planches (55.5 x 43 cm). I/ xxxiv-518 pp.; II/ xx-626 pp.; ATLAS/ 44 pl. grav. Édition originale bien complète de toutes les gravures. Volumes de texte illustrés dun portrait de lempereur Tchien Lung gravé par Collyer daprès W. Alexander, en frontispice du 1er vol., dun portrait de Macartney par J. Hall daprès J. Hickey en frontispice du 2ème vol., de 27 vignettes dans le texte et dune gravure en pleine page. En tête du 1er vol.: Description détaillée des planches et des gravures. Atlas comportant 44 pl. grav. (6 à double page, 37 à pleine page et la célèbre «General Chart on Mercators projection []») daprès John Barrow pour la géographie, S. Edwards pour les sciences naturelles et W. Alexander pour les autres sujets. Soit: 10 cartes de géographie, 3 vues topographiques, 1 pl. de botanique et 2 pl. de zoologie, 12 pl. darchitecture, avec plans, élévations, vues de monuments, villes ou sites, 6 pl. en lien avec la navigation et lhydraulique, 6 pl. à caractère ethnographique, 3 pl. sur des arts de la guerre, 1 pl. en lien direct avec le protocole de lambassade. Ensemble exécuté par 17 graveurs différents (Skelton / B. Baker / Ellis / J. Landseer & J. Shirt / J. Caldwill / J. Pafs. / B. J. Pouney / Medland / J. Dadley / W. Loury / J. Fittler / Hall / J. Heath / J. Chapman / Wilson / W. Byrne). Volumes de texte reliés en demi-toile brune à coins. Dos lisses. Etiquettes de titre sur les plats sup. et les dos. Atlas en demi-toile noire. Dos lisse avec titre en doré. Quelques rousseurs aux barbes des vol. de texte, sinon intérieur en excellent état, très belle édition à grande marge. Reliures de travail sobres et solides. Mors de pied de latlas fendus, quelques rousseurs et rares piqûres sur les marges des planches, sans défaut; images parfaitement propres et fraîches. Rare dans cet état. ‎

‎Le recueil de cette fameuse ambassade a été préparé sur ordre du gouvernement britannique. Outre limportance historique de louvrage, ce recueil est particulièrement intéressant pour les descriptions géographiques des lieux visités: Madère, Ténériffe, Rio de Janeiro, St. Hélène, Tristan da Cunha, lîle Amsterdam, Java, Sumatra, la Cochinchine [Vietnam], etc La Grande Bretagne souhaitait établir des relations diplomatiques officielles avec la Chine, notamment pour les rapports commerciaux. Mais lautosuffisance économique de la Chine, qui depuis des siècles navait admis de présence étrangère, rendit lambassade le Lord Macartney peu fructueuse. Plus quune réussite politique, cette ambassade fut loccasion de cet admirable recueil qui livre un témoignage unique sur la Chine du XVIIIe siècle. Biblio.: Boucher de la Richarderie, V, 302-356 / Brunet, V, 525 / Cordier, IV, 2382 / Cox, I, 344. ‎

Phone number : 021/312 85 42

EUR15,500.00 (€15,500.00 )

‎Habsburg Emperor Charles VI - M. T. van ELSEN ( magistrate of Antwerp ) - Guillaume Gedeon DEUTZ ( bond issuer ) :‎

Reference : 44947

‎Original manuscript letter from the Magistrate of Antwerp, addressed to the Governor of the Austrian Netherlands, containing a petition to the emperor Charles VI for the repayment of a Duch loan written out by Guillaume Gedeon Deutz. Undated, with the original holograph signature of M.F. van Elsen.‎

‎".: 2. S.l. (Antwerpen), manuscript on paper, written in ink, undated ( ca. 1750), in-folio, 8 pp , written in French, very neat handwriting. In this letter signed by F. van Elsen, as representative of the Magistrate of Antwerp, and addressed to '' Son Altesse Roiale'' is contained a 5 pp long petition to the emperor with the request of a repayment of loan subscribed by Antwerp business men to Guillaume Gedeon Deutz ( a onetime mayor of the city of Amsterdam). The loan was given an imperial consent with a ''depêche'' from december 22nd 1733 and garanteed by the state of Silesia ( at that time part of the Austrian Empire, but now conquered by Fredrick of Prussia). Provenance; from the archives of Charles de Proli ; photostat of a typed letter from 23 May 1945 refers to Theophile Smekens who was still occupied with Proli's bancruptcy in the late 19th c. ( see Denucé, Antwerps Archievenblad 2e reeks, 7 , 1932 nr.1). We have other archive records relating to Charles Proli and the ''Société Impériale de Trieste pour le commerce Aziatique'' on offer. If you would be interested in acquiring several documents a more advantageous price will be applied. Please inquire via e-mail.."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )

Reference : bd-86d7d6b03488fbc7

‎Flesher, E. The Story of the Emperor Theodosius the Great/Fleshe, E. Istoriya o‎

‎Flesher, E. The Story of the Emperor Theodosius the Great/Fleshe, E. Istoriya ob imperatore Feodosii Velikom Flesher, E. The story of the Emperor of Feodosia the Great, Semyon Gamalei. St. Petersburg: At the Marine Cadet Corps, 1769. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-86d7d6b03488fbc7.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR2,299.00 (€2,299.00 )
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