‎JOYCE Rev. J., WALKER Charles V.‎
‎Scientific dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people: in which the first principles of natural and experimental philosophy are fully explained by the rev. J. Joyce with corrections and improvements by the Dr. Olinthus Gregory. A new edition containing the recent additions to science by Charles V. Walker.‎

‎London: Baldwin and Co, 1846 in-12, xii-436 pages, figures dans le texte. Reliure veau bleu, dos à nerfs ricehement orné, plats décorés d'un encadrement de feuilles doré et de fleurons à froid, tranches marbrées, qq. épidermures autrement bel exemplaire en reliure décorative.‎

Reference : 1149972

‎Scientific dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people: in which the first principles of natural and experimental philosophy are fully explained by the rev. J. Joyce with corrections and improvements by the Dr. Olinthus Gregory. A new edition containing the recent additions to science by Charles V. Walker. (London: Baldwin and Co, 1846). [M.C.: sciences, pédagogie, livre pour la jeunesse]‎

€50.00 (€50.00 )
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