‎Britten 's old clocks and watches and their makers. A historical and descriptive account of the different styles of clocks and watches of the past in England and abroad containing a list of nearly fourteen thousand makers. Seventh edition by G. H. Baillie, C. Clutton, and C. A. Ilbert. With a frontispice by L. H. Cesswell and diagrams by F. Janca.‎

‎London: E. & F. N. Spon Ltd, 1956 in-4, xx-518 pages, frontispice, 183 planches, 40 diagrammes. Bibliographie, glossaire des termes techniques, liste des fabricants de montres et d'horloges (pp. 321-505), index. Reliure percaline d'édit., dos passé, qqs usures, sinon bel exemplaire. ** 4to. xx-518 pp., frontispiece, 183 plates, 40 diagrams. Bibliography, glossary of technical terms, Former clock and watch makers (pp. 321-505), index. Cloth, spine faded, minor signs of wear, else fine copy.‎

Reference : 1147668

‎Britten 's old clocks and watches and their makers. A historical and descriptive account of the different styles of clocks and watches of the past in England and abroad containing a list of nearly fourteen thousand makers. Seventh edition by G. H. Baillie, C. Clutton, and C. A. Ilbert. With a frontispice by L. H. Cesswell and diagrams by F. Janca. (London: E. & F. N. Spon Ltd, 1956). [M.C.: horlogerie, clocks & watches]‎

€91.00 (€91.00 )
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