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‎ Biblos, 1986. In-4 à l'italienne, pleine toile rouge décorée à froid, étui de toile avec décor doré. Les textes sont en italien, anglais, français et allemand. ‎

Reference : 21538


€37.52 (€37.52 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Giovanni Florio, Alessandro Metlica (eds)‎

Reference : 64294

‎Contending Representations II: Entangled Republican Spaces in Early Modern Venice‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 192 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:86 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503605197.‎

‎Summary The volume addresses the issue of political celebration in early modern Venice. Dealing with processional orders and iconographic programs, historiographical narratives and urbanistic canons, stylistic features and diplomatic accounts, the interdisciplinary contributions gathered in these pages aim to question the performative effectiveness and the social consistency of the so called 'myth' of Venice: a system of symbols, beliefs and meanings offering a self-portrait of the ruling elite, the Venetian patriciate. In order to do so, the volume calls for a spatial turn in Venetian studies, blurring the boundaries between institutionalized and unofficial ceremonial spaces and considering their ongoing interaction in representing the rule of the Serenissima. The twelve chapters move from Palazzo Ducale to the Venetian streets and from the city of Venice to its dominions, thus widening considerably the range of social and political actors and audiences involved in the analysis. Such multifocal perspective allows us to challenge the very idea of a single 'myth' of Venice. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1. Giovanni Florio and Alessandro Metlica, Universit degli Studi di Padova: Ritual and Popular Politics in the Republic of Venice 2. Giorgio Tagliaferro, Warwick University: The Meeting of Sebastiano Ziani withAlexander III in the Great Council Hall: Staging, Viewing, and Understanding the Body Politic in Late Sixteenth-Century Venice 3. Monique O'Connell, Wake Forest University: Representative Spaces of Republicanism: Constitutional Thinking, Virtue Politics, and Venice's Great Council Hall in Early Modern Europe 4. Massimo Rospocher, Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico di Trento: 'Una parola in piazza fa pi male che dieci libri in un gabinetto': The Square as Political Space in Sixteenth Century Venice 5. Iseabail Rowe, European University Institute: 'From the Clocke to the Shore': Thomas Coryat's 'Streets' of Piazza San Marco 6. Evelyn Korsch, Universit t Erfurt: A Republic Becomes Divine: The Sacred Role of Topography in Venetian Civic Ritual 7. Umberto Cecchinato: Beyond the Ceremonial City: Music, Public Revelries, and Urban Spaces in Everyday Renaissance Venice 8. Marco Bellabarba, Universit di Trento: Power, Friendship, and Protection: Venetian Rectors in Verona Between the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth Centuries 9. Erika Carminati, Indipendent scholar: Celebrations of Venetian Terraferma's Rettori: From the Good Fama to its Subversion in the Public Ritual Sphere 10. Alfredo Viggiano, Universit degli Studi di Padova: The Good Use of 'People' in Fifteenth-Century Venice: Reflections over a Controversial Term 11. Matteo Casini, University of Massachusetts: Venice Beyond Venice: The Foreign Approach to Venetian Rituals, 1400-1600s List of Abbreviations Bibliography Notes on Contributors‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Ilaria Molteni, Valeria Russo (eds)‎

Reference : 62965

‎Inventing Past Narratives. Venice and the Adriatic Space (13th?15th Centuries)‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2024 Paperback, Pages: 108 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:10 b/w, 49 col. Language(s):English. ISBN 9788028004644.‎

‎By the late Middle Ages, Venice became the main stage of a national and international myth: while enhancing its historical role in the past, the city tried to demonstrate the legitimacy of its role in the present. In fact, for celebrating its triumph and erasing its weaknesses and defeats, Venice generated a rich repertoire of past narratives that were bringing together heterogeneous materials, by composing unconnected pieces and attributing new meanings to different histories or objects from other pasts. An ambitious goal had to be achieved: that of creating the impression of a unique and grandiose city whose roots were lost in a remote and magnificent past. The result is a patchwork that, through the longue dur e approach, has been articulated around both new and ancient stories, local and foreign myths, reconstructed or rediscovered objects and narratives. In order to investigate more precisely the trajectories of the Venetian past narratives, this volume intends to determine, through an interdisciplinary prism, which are the different strategies, objectives, and resources that have been exploited in the framework of these past narratives. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Ilaria Molteni & Valeria Russo Framing Venetian Past Narratives. An Epistemological Introduction Articles Francesca Gambino About the Time Charlemagne Invaded the Laguna and Venice Returned Frankish Fire with Bread Niccol Gensini ?Bons Mariniers? Between History and Prophecy. Venice, Venetians, and the Mediterranean Sea in the Prophecies de Merlin Giuseppina Brunetti Morte a Vwenezia. Per la morte di Dante: l?invenzione e i documenti Ruben Campini, Ivan Foletti, & Annalisa Moraschi Clash of Titans. Venturi, Kondakov, and the Staging of Late Medieval Venetian Painting in the History of Art History‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

Reference : alb87e796114cd55bd4

‎Venice (Venice). Photo album. In Italian (ask us if in doubt)./Venezia (Venetsiya). Fotoal'bom.‎

‎Venice (Venice). Photo album. In Italian (ask us if in doubt)./Venezia (Venetsiya). Fotoal'bom. In Italian. Italy. Unspecified. 1900s. 36 photos on a unit hp enlarged album format 310x220. An album with black and white views of Venice late XIX century beginning of XX century. SKUalb87e796114cd55bd4.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

Reference : 105377aaf


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )

‎A. Luchs‎

Reference : 32939

‎Mermaids of Venice. Fantastic Sea Creatures in Venetian Renaissance Art‎

‎, Brepols, 2010 Hardback, VIII 273 p., 234 b/w ill. 44 colour ill., 220 x 275 mm, Languages: English. ISBN 9781905375455.‎

‎The arts of Renaissance Venice teem with sea monsters. Chief among these are mermaids and mermen--graceful hybrid beings human from the waist up, but with the lower body and tail of a fish, dolphin or sea serpent. Other sea hybrids--horses, bulls, panthers, even an elephant--also swim through Venetian art in finned and fish-tailed forms. Such creatures emerge from stone in the shadowy churches and the sunlit courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale, crown the wooden frame of a Giovanni Bellini altarpiece, and encircle the bronze flagpole bases in Piazza San Marco. Their gilded sugar apparitions graced banquet tables for illustrious visitors, and their descendents still glide through the canals in the form of brass seahorses set above the sides of gondolas This book focuses on the conceptions of artists who made marine hybrids as some of the most engaging inventions of the Renaissance in Venice and its subject city Padua. The chapters deal with five functional contexts: book decoration of the 1470s and 80s; tomb monuments of the 1480s and 90s; church decoration of the same years, particularly at Santa Maria dei Miracoli; centers of political activity, including civic settings in Venice and the palaces of powerful mainland employers of Venetian artists; and finally, private homes, where owners could hold small bronze sea hybrids in their hands, often as objects for use. A prologue introduces the ?heritage of monsters? from the ancient and medieval worlds, the better to show how Venetian artists adapted these to new purposes. Exploring the ways in which artists could interpret and contemporary viewers might experience these wide-ranging sea-creatures, the book brings their best images together as a source of delight. Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History(HMSAH 58)‎


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