Paris, chez les Marchands de Nouveautés, 1787. 56 pages (manque la dernière page) (20x12cm). Broché tel que paru. Petites taches à la page de titre. Quelques traces de plis et salissures. Les cahiers se désolidarisent légèrement. Rousseurs éparses. Physiocratie. Economie. Agriculture. Finances. Rare.
Reference : 95605
Ultimo Capitulo S.L.
Monica Aguilo
C/Francesc Tàrrega, 19 - Sòtano 1ª
08027 Barcelona
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+33 973 037 007
Conformes aux usages de la profession.
London, printed for J. Foxhunter, 1787. 20 works bound in 6 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary speckled calf, spines gilt in compartments, contrasting labels with gilt lettering, some scratches and some rubbing, two spines with some damage at head. I: Illustrative for the period preceding the Revolution and marking the ripening of public opinion for democratic ideas. V: Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi; not in INED; not in Stourm. First edition. Exposé of the advantages of the physiocratic doctrine, published at the eve of the Assemblée de Notables. The 3rd part, which is nearly always lacking, is entitled: Projet raisonné d'un Bureau d'administration à l'usage des souverains. The publisher states that it forms 'une suite naturelle aux réflexions publiées sous les noms chers & respectés de Charles V, de Louis XII & de Henri IV. Il n'avoit point encore été publié par l'auteur (M. l'B***), des dépositaires infidèles s'étant approprié son manuscrit.' VI: Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths. The first part was done by Mirabeau, Necker, Le Trosne and Saint-Péravy. The second part is entirely by N. Baudeau. VII: Reforms proposed concerning the properties and income of the clergy and the utilisation thereof. VIII: Edited by P.S. Dupont de Nemours who was secretary to the Assembly. 'The calling of the Assembly of Notables was a tacit recognition that the King could not govern against the will of the privileged ordres, but instead of gaining their support he found that by giving them an organ of self-expression he had merely opened the flood-gates of aristocratic revolt.' (Cobban, Aspects of the French Revolution). IX: The major part of these proposals for reforms were edited by P.S. Dupont de Nemours. X: First and second divisions of these critical notes reducing Calonne's projects to nothing of any value. XI: Concluding speeches by the King, Lamoignon, Loménie de Brienne, a.o. XII: Cf.: Kress B. 1281; not in Goldsmiths; INED 3185. The text is due to De Mirabeau in collaboration with Étienne Clavière, the later Girondin minister of Finance. XIII: Schelle 28; cf.: Kress B. 1203; INED 1614bis; Goldsmiths 13504. First edition. The 'Observations' are by J.P. Brissot de Warville. Edited by H.G. Mirabeau. Dupont made the text based on a draft by Turgot in 1776. XIV: Cf.: Kress B. 1292-5 (variant editions); not in Goldsmiths. In fact an edition of Mémoire publié au mois d'avril 1787 en réponse au discours prononcé par M. de Calonne devant l'Assemblée des Notables. XV: Cf.: Kress B. 1174-7 (other versions); Goldsmiths 13433-4 (other versions). XVI: Kress S. 5116; not in Goldsmiths. Fundamental criticism of Calonne. XVII: Kress B. 1182; not in Goldsmiths; INED 959. XVIII: Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; Stourm 137. Vehemently criticising Calonne. XIX: Kress B. 1375 (other edition); Goldsmiths 13616 (other edition). XX: Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths. The supplement of 32 pp. has a caption title reading: Réédition de détails et d'éclaircissemens sur la conduite de M. de Calonne, à Versailles, à Rennes et à Saint-Malo, en 1765 et 1766; détails qui parurent en 1766 sous le titre d'addition au second mémoire de M. de La Chalotais.'The collection has been brought together at the time. The volumes are numbered 1, 1bis, 2-5 and a general title was printed reading: 'Recueil de pièces relatives aux événemens qui ont eu lieu en France en 1787, 1788, 17.. ' and short tables of contents in contemporary manuscript have been added.
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75
Paris, Experts J. Florange, L. Ciani, 1927. 3 parties réunies en un fort vol. in-4, reliure pleine toile bleu marine, dos lisse titré, gardes marbrées, couvertures conservées, 102, 103-144, 145-201pp, fig. de monnaies in-texte et 112 planches présentant les monnaies des 3165 lots mis en vente
Dos lég. passé, mais vol. en très bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
Paris, Didier et Cie, 1877 gr. in-8, 113 pp., broché. Qqs rousseurs. Envoi.
Tirage limité à 300 exemplaires sur papier de Hollande. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT