A Paris, J. Quillau, 1717. 7 pages. (24x18 Cm). Dérelié. Mouillures claires. Deux harangues faites par Monsieur Demontempuys, Recteur de l'Université, au Louvre la premier Février 1717.
Reference : 94968
Ultimo Capitulo S.L.
Monica Aguilo
C/Francesc Tàrrega, 19 - Sòtano 1ª
08027 Barcelona
Cataluña Spain
+33 973 037 007
Conformes aux usages de la profession.
Reference : 21209
Bound in 1 volume. 4to. Modern half black morocco, gilt lettering on spine, marbled boards, top edge gilt. First work: Moreau 830; Hatin 13; Sgard 300. Complete set.The journal appeared from 5 January upto 7 April 1649 and was edited by the two sons of Théophraste Renaudot. While he had to follow the court to Saint-Germain, he left his sons in Paris with the assignment to publish a 'gazette du parlement; c'est le Courrier francois. Il était ainsi à la fois le gazetier du roi et de la Fronde.' Second & third work: Moreau 827, Sgard 295 (2nd) and not in Moreau and Sgard (3rd). The second work is usually found between, as here, the 5th and 6th part of the first title. The "Suitte" is the Suitte to the 7th number of the first title and is extremely rare and unknown to both Moreau and Sgard.Fourth work: Moreau 821; Sgard 269.All published. Fifth work: Moreau 825; Sgard 269 ("contrefaçon versifiée").All published. Sixth work: Moreau 829; Sgard 292.All published. Seventh work: Moreau 833; Sgard 299.All published.Eighth work: Moreau 835; Sgard 318.All published.Ninth work: Moreau 718; Sgard 320.All published. Fine set of journals: 'Le Courier François n'est pas seulement le journal le plus important de cette espèce d'interrègne; sa création, son existence est un des plus curieux épisodes de l'histoire de journalisme' (Hatin).
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75
Reference : 17651
Paris, 1649. Together 20 numbers bound in 1 volume. 4to. Modern half vellum, marbled boards, red label with gilt lettering. First work: Moreau 830; Hatin 13; Sgard, 300. Complete set.The journal appeared from 5 January upto 7 April 1649 and was edited by the two sons of Théophraste Renaudot. While he had to follow the court to Saint-Germain, he left his sons in Paris with the assignment to publish a 'gazette du parlement; c'est le Courrier francois. Il était ainsi à la fois le gazetier du roi et de la Fronde.' Second work: Moreau 833.All published. Third work: Moreau 827.All published Often found inserted between the nrs 5 and 6 of the Courier françois. Fourth work: Moreau 826.All published. Fifth work: Moreau 821.All published. Sixth work: Moreau 832. All published. Seventh work: Moreau 718.All published. Fine set of journals, published during the exile of the Court in St. Germain en Laye, by the sons of Théophraste Renaudot. 'Le Courier François n'est pas seulement le journal le plus important de cette espèce d'interrègne; sa création, son existence est un des plus curieux épisodes de l'histoire de journalisme' (Hatin). - Fine set with the rare supplements.
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75