Washington ,U.S. Government Printing Office, 1893 , in-4°, 528 pp ,illustrated with 23 figures in-text and 4 plates (diagrams ), full cloth editor , back with title , head cap torn, stamp,good copy. Part I , introduction, description of instruments, etc ;Part II , Monthly averages for each hour of the day at 28 stations ; Part III,Monthly and annual meteorological summaries for Weather Bureau stations ;Part IV ,Monthly and annual mean temperature annual extremes of temperature and dates of first and last killing frost; Part V ,Monthly and annual precipitation at all stations ;Part VI, Miscellaneous meteorological tables and reports .
Reference : PHO-852
A complete overview of the weather in the USA for the year 1891-1892 .P1-3P
Librairie Voyage et Exploration
M. Stéphan Feldman
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