Hazan "Guide des arts" 2007, in-8 broché, couverture illustrée à rabats, 383 p. (pli au dos, sinon bel état ; épuisé) Reproductions en couleurs à toutes les pages et triple index. Un fort beau guide illustré pour mieux comprendre les représentations artistiques des saints et saintes ainsi que leurs attributs traditionnels.
Reference : 43274
ISBN : 9782850258565
Librairie Jean-Michel de Laubrière
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, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 282 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:7 b/w, 20 col., Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503605586.
Summary The cult of saints is one of the most fascinating religious developments of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Christians admired martyrs already in the second century, but for a long time they perceived them only as examples to follow and believed they could pray directly to God, whom they addressed as 'Our Father'. A new attitude toward saints, now considered above all as powerful friends of God and efficient intercessors, started to emerge in the third century. Once this process gained momentum in the Constantinian era, the cult of saints constantly changed and rapidly adapted to new conditions and demands. This evolution highlighted many factors: the popularity of specific saints and the different types of sanctity, the spread of cults and customs, and the ways in which the saints were described, visualised, and represented. This volume seeks to capture the dynamic of these adaptations, showing both those aspects of cult which evolved quickly and those which remained stable for a long time. It studies the evolution of the cults in a broad period from the third to the seventh centuries and in various regions from Gaul to Georgia, with a particular interest in the two greatest centres of the cult of saints: Rome and Constantinople. In response to changing needs and different circumstances, new generations of believers repeatedly modified the cults of established saints, even as they introduced new saints. TABLE OF CONTENTS Robert Wi?niewski: Introduction I. Seeing and Hearing the Saints Robin M. Jensen: Icons as Relics: Relics as Icons Maria Lidova: Placing Martyrs in the Apse: Visual Strategies for the Promotion of Saints in Late Antiquity Julia Doroszewska: Saintly In-betweeners: The Liminal Identity of Thekla and Artemios in their Late Antique Miracle Collections Arkadiy Avdokhin: Resounding Martyrs: Hymns and the Veneration of Saints in Late Antique Miracle Collections Xavier Lequeux: Les saints myroblytes en Orient et en Occident jusqu' l'an mil: Prol gom nes l'histoire d'un ph nom ne miraculeux II. Local and Cosmopolitan Cults Andr s Handl: Reinvented by Julius, Ignored by Damasus: Dynamics of the Cult of Callixtus in Late Antique Rome Stephanos Efthymiadis: The Cult of Saints in Constantinople (Sixth-Twelfth Century): Some Observations Anna Lampadaridi: The Origins and Later Development of the First Italo-Greek Hagiographies: The Dossiers of the Sicilian Martyrs Agatha, Lucia, and Euplus III. Constructing Paradigms Ian Wood: The Lives of Episcopal Saints in Gaul: Models for a Time of Crisis, c. 470-550 Micha? Pietranik: Saints and Sacred Objects in Eastern Roman Imperial Warfare: The Case of Maurice (582-602) Nikoloz Aleksidze: Martyrs, Hunters and Kings: The 'Political Theology' of Saints' Relics in Late Antique Caucasia
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 472 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 12 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503611082.
Summary While Northern and East Central Europe are often considered to have been peripheral parts of medieval Latin Christendom, they nevertheless embraced many of the same cultural impulses found in more central areas. Key among these was the way in which social elites, in the first centuries after the introduction of Christianity, recognized the potential to exploit the cult of saints as a way of legitimizing their own social standing. Taking this thematic focus as its starting point, this volume explores the intersection of religion, power, and the reception and development of new impulses from abroad within Northern and East Central Europe. It does so by comparing and contrasting cults that emerged locally with cults that were imported to the region. Through this comparative overview, the chapters of this volume not only contribute to a more nuanced understanding of these outlying regions, but also shed new light on Latin Christian Europe as a whole. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Preface Introduction 1. Saints and Elites on the Periphery: An Introduction Steffen Hope, Grzegorz Pac, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson Part I. Non-native Saints Non-native Saints: Introduction Steffen Hope, Grzegorz Pac, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson 2. The Authority of the Virgin. The Use of the Marian Cult in the Legitimization of Power in the Kingdom of Hungary before 1300 Karen Stark 3. Aegis of Aegidius ? the Cult of St Giles in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Poland Mi?osz Sosnowski 4. The Apostles and Ecclesiastical Elites in Medieval Iceland. A Gregorian Hermeneutic Turn in the Medieval North Haraldur Hreinsson 5. From St Florian to St Stanislaus. The Legitimization of Ducal and Episcopal Power in Krak w in the Late Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Century Karolina Morawska 6. From St Olaf to the Relic of the Crown of Thorns. The Legitimization of Royal Power in Thirteenth-Century Norway Jerzy Pysiak 7. Sanctity in Service. Saints in the Legitimation of the Presence of the Dominicans in Hungary Eszter Konr d Part II. Native Saints Native Saints: Introduction Steffen Hope, Grzegorz Pac, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson 8. The Prague Nunnery and its Patroness, St Ludmila. Legitimization and Mutual Support Grzegorz Pac 9. Many Lives of One Man. Strategies for Building Legitimacy through the Story of St Wenceslas in Early and High Medieval Hagiography (940s-1260s) David Kalhous 10. The Cult of Saints in Elite Identity Construction in the Peripheries. The Cases of St Cnut of Denmark and St Wenceslas of Bohemia Kacper Bylinka 11. The Canonization Accounts of St Stephen of Hungary, St Thorlak of Sk lholt, and St Cnut of Odense. A Comparative Reading Haki Antonsson 12. Legitimizing Episcopal Power in Twelfth-Century Denmark through the Cult of Saints Steffen Hope 13. A Mutually Beneficial Relationship. Saints and the Legitimization of Elite Ecclesiastical Institutions in Sweden and Denmark before 1300 Sara Ellis Nilsson 14. The Liturgical Performance of Saints' Offices in Medieval Sweden. Multimodal and Performative Event in a Legitimizing Context Karin Lagergren 15. St Hedwig of Silesia. The First Dynastic Saint of the Piasts and the Legitimization of Power at a Time of Change in the Thirteenth Century Anna Agnieszka Dryblak 16. The Legitimization of Papal Power through the Cults of Royal Women in Thirteenth-Century East Central Europe Kirsty Day Conclusions 17. The Cult of Saints and the Legitimization of Ecclesiastical and Secular Elites on the Periphery: Conclusions Steffen Hope, Grzegorz Pac, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson Index
Bordeaux Chez Raymond Brun imprimeur & marchand libraire 1723 1 vol. in - 8 ( 20 x 12,5 cm ) ( poids = 480 g ) T. , 15 ff. n. ch. , 427 (1) pp. . Contient : dédicace A Monseigneur François-Elie de Voyer de Paulmy d' Argenson archevêque de Bordeaux , Préface , Table du Traité de la dévotion aux saints du diocèse de Bordeaux , Table des matières contenuës dans les Vies des saints , Privilège du Roy , Approbation , Traité de la dévotion aux saints du diocèse de Bordeaux , Vies des saints de la ville et du diocèse de Bordeaux , Litanies des saints du diocèse de Bordeaux , Oraisons , Vie de saint Saint Siméon Stylite , Errata . Bandeaux , lettrines , culs-de-lampe . Peau de truie ivoire . Dos à 5 nerfs , titre manuscrit à l' encre . Reliure légèrement salie , deux petits accrocs au dos . Des gribouillis et une inscription ( " 1745 1841 Gugères fils " ) sur les gardes , un gribouillis marginal p. 371 . Qqs rares mouillures claires , notamment sur les deux derniers ff. . P. 193 ch. 173 , p. 194 ch. 174 ... et ainsi de suite jusqu' à la p. 208 ch. 188 . ( Collat. complet ) .
Libraire établi à Bordeaux vers 1687 et imprimeur du Roi en 1713 , Raymond BRUN publia ces deux ouvrages complémentaires , et devenus rares , sur les saints du diocèse de Bordeaux en 1723 . Les vies des saints sont classées en fonction des dates de leur fête dans le calendrier : soit des saints de l' Eglise universelle particulièrement honorés à Bordeaux ou dans les environs comme saint André , saint Joseph , saint Benoît ... soit des saints spécialement liés à Bordeaux ou à l' Aquitaine comme les saints Amand , Macaire , Sardos , Paulin de Nole , Gérard , Cibar , Goard , Delphin , Urbicius , Romain , Exupère , Seurin , Austind ....
Phone number : 05 53 48 62 96
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, x + 350 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:18 col., 4 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503591148.
Summary Scandinavia has often been considered as a peripheral part of the Christian world, with its archbishopric in Nidaros an isolated outpost of the Catholic Church. This volume, however, offers a reassessment of such preconceptions by exploring the way in which the Nidaros see celebrated the cult of saints and followed traditions that were both part of, and distinct from, elsewhere in Christian Europe. The contributions gathered here come from specialists across different disciplines, among them historians, philologists, art historians, and epigraphists, to offer a multifaceted insight into how texts and objects, sculpture, runes, and relics all drove the cult of saints in this northern corner of Europe. In doing so, the volume offers a nuanced understanding of the development of cults, the saints themselves, and their miracles, not only in the Norse world, but also more widely. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Introduction ? RAGNHILD B AND J N VI AR SIGUR SSON Epitomes of Saints' Lives in Two Old Norse-Icelandic Manuscripts: AM 764 4to and AM 672 4to ? NATALIE M. VAN DEUSEN AND KIRSTEN WOLF Mar a, dr tning himins ok iar ar: The Doctrine of Mary's Queenship in Mar u saga ? CHRISTELLE FAIRISE The Mass of St l fr and a Recovered Sequence for a missa votive ? SLAUG OMMUNDSEN The Development of the Cult of Magn s: The Interplay between Saints, Bishops and Earls in Orkney ? CAITLIN ELLIS Bergr Sokkason and God's Dearest Friend: St Nicholas ? J N VI AR SIGUR SSON The Miracles of Medieval Norway ? CORNELIA SPJELKAVIK SPARRE Telling and Writing Miracles in Medieval Iceland ? SD S EGILSD TTIR 'Ok er hann sannheilagr': The Role of Saints in Remembering and Representing Iceland's Conversion ? SI N GR NLIE Saints Across Borders: The Cults of St Gertrude of Nivelles and St Clare of Assisi in Late Medieval Norway ? RAGNHILD M. B An Afterlife for Cult Sculpture from Norwegian Churches: Tradition, Continuity and Partial Mutilation after the Reformation ? NO LLE L. W. STREETON Saints in Everyday Life: Epigraphy as a Source for the Medieval Cult of Saints ? ELISE KLEIVANE
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 456 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, 12 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503588513.
Summary This volume fills an important gap in the study of medieval English sanctity. Focused on the period 1150-1550, it examines later manifestations of pre-conquest northern English cults (John of Beverley, Oswald, Hilda, theldreda etc.), and the establishment and development of many more during the twelfth to fifteenth centuries (Godric of Finchale, Robert of Knaresborough, Oswine of Tynemouth, bbe of Coldingham, Bega of Copeland, William of York, etc.). It showcases the diversity of new northern cults that emerged after 1150, and pays particular attention to cultures of episcopal and eremitic devotion and hagiographic production in Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lincolnshire. Divided into five subsections, the volume opens by exploring the relation of sanctity to constructions of northern identity through targeted examinations of northern textual and material cultures. It then turns to a series of case studies of northern saints' cults, grouped with reference to the eremitic life, female networks and locations, and the contextualisation of northern sanctity within national, transnational and post-medieval currents of veneration. Underlying all these essays is a concern with the conflicted idea of 'northernness'. This collection argues for a northern sanctity that is imagined in varying ways by different communities (monastic, diocesan, national etc.), allied to a series of conceptual 'norths' that differ significantly in accordance with the bodies of evidence under survey. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations, List of Abbreviations, Acknowledgements Introduction ? CHRISTIANIA WHITEHEAD PART I: Northern Sanctity and Northern Identity I.1 Textual Culture: Hagiography, Legendary, Suffrage Aelred of Rievaulx and the Saints of Durham, Galloway and Hexham ? DENIS RENEVEY The Production of Northern Saints' Lives at Holm Cultram Abbey in Cumbria ? CHRISTIANIA WHITEHEAD Flower of York: Region, Nation and St Robert of Knaresborough in Late Medieval England ? HAZEL J. HUNTER BLAIR Praying to Northern Saints in English Books of Hours ? CYNTHIA TURNER CAMP I.2 Material Culture: Space, Oil, Image Space, It's About Time Too: Architecture and Identity in Medieval Durham ? EUAN MCCARTNEY ROBSON Holy Geysers? Oily Saints and Ecclesiastical Politics in Late Medieval Yorkshire and Lincolnshire ? JOHN JENKINS Art and Northern Sanctity in Late Medieval England ? JULIAN LUXFORD PART II: New Case Studies of Northern Saints and Their Cults II.1 The Eremitic Life The Context for and Later Reception of Reginald of Durham's Vita S Godrici ? MARGARET COOMBE Robert of Knaresborough, Religious Novelty, and the Twelfth-Century Poverty Movement ? JOSHUA EASTERLING Hermit Saints and Human Temporalities ? CATHERINE SANOK II.2 Female Networks and Locations: Coldingham, Ely, Whitby Beyond the Miracula: Practices and Experiences of Lay Devotion at the Cult of St bbe, Coldingham ? RUTH J. SALTER theldreda in the North: Tracing Northern Networks in the Liber Eliensis and the Vie de seinte Audree ? JANE SINNETT-SMITH Conflicting Memories, Confused Identities, and Constructed Pasts: St Hilda and the Refoundation of Whitby Abbey ? DANIEL TALBOT Remembering St Hilda in the Later Middle Ages ? CHRISTIANE KROEBEL II.3 Beyond the North: Southern, European and Post-Medieval Perspectives The French Life of St Godric of Finchale, or Adventures for Thirteenth-Century Nuns ? ANNE MOURON The Reception of St Oswine in Later Medieval England ? JAMES G. CLARK Northern Saints' Names as Monastic Bynames in Late Medieval and Early Tudor England ? DAVID E. THORNTON Northern Lights on Southern Shores: Rewriting St Oswald's Life in Eighteenth-Century Friuli ? CLAUDIA DI SCIACCA Index