Amsterdam Pierre de Coup 1715, in-12 (16,5 X 10,5 cm)LII-(2)424 pages, portrait frontispice gravé. Basane époque, petite usure des coins et coiffes.(XXV)-(350gr.).
Reference : DZN-438
Traduit du latin par Jean Barbeyrac; 3ème édition, revue avec soin, & augmentée d'un grand nombre de notes du traducteur.
A la librairie Gauzy
Conformes aux usages de la librairie ancienne et aux règles de la vente par correspondance. Tous les paiements (autres que par carte bancaire ou chèque d'une banque étrangère), sont acceptés.
Amsterdam, Coup, 1748. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with five raised bands, richly gilt spine and gilt super ex-libris to front board. Wear and soiling to extremities, two large scratches with loss of leather to front board. Leather on spine cracked and spine-ends chipped. Internally nice and clean. XLIX, 252, (3), 256, 523 pp.
Sixth French translation of Pufendorf's second main work, his seminal ""On the Duty of Man and Citizen "", which became extremely influential during the Enlightenment of the 18th century and had a great impact on legal, moral, constitutional, and political thinking, not only in Europe, but also in America. It was perhaps more influential than the work which is usually considered Pufendorf's main work, namely his ""De jure naturae et gentium"" from 1672, which is longer and more elaborate, though, or perhaps exactly therefore, the present work must be said to be the one that came to exercise the greatest impact and came to spread Pufendorf's thought, not least his concept of ""natural law"" and his analysis of just war theory (which he gives in the present work), throughout Europe and America. It is the present work ""that guaranteed him a place in university curricula for a century."" (SEP).
Amsterdam, de Coup, 1722 - 1723 (+) Amsterdam, Pierre Humbert, 1714. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with five raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Boards with scratches and leather on spine cracked. Ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front-end paper. Internally very fine and clean. LXI, (3), 597, XLVII, 407 pp. + 2 frontispieces.
Later French translation of Pufendorf's second main work, his seminal ""On the Duty of Man and Citizen "", which became extremely influential during the Enlightenment of the 18th century and had a great impact on legal, moral, constitutional, and political thinking, not only in Europe, but also in America. It was perhaps more influential than the work which is usually considered Pufendorf's main work, namely his ""De jure naturae et gentium"" from 1672, which is longer and more elaborate, though, or perhaps exactly therefore, the present work must be said to be the one that came to exercise the greatest impact and came to spread Pufendorf's thought, not least his concept of ""natural law"" and his analysis of just war theory (which he gives in the present work), throughout Europe and America. It is the present work ""that guaranteed him a place in university curricula for a century."" (SEP).
Amsterdam : Pierre de Coup, 1718 Deux volumes in-12. Basane de l'époque, dos à nerfs orné.
Cet ouvrage est un résumé du "Droit de la nature et des gens". La première édition française a paru en 1707. "Juridique, politique, sociologique. Obligations quotidiennes de la vie humaine pour le simple citoyen et pour le souverain." (INED) INED : 219 (édition de 1718)
Amsterdam : Pierre de Coup, 1715 In-12, LII-(4)-424 pages. Basane de l'époque, dos à nerfs orné.
Cet ouvrage est un résumé du "Droit de la nature et des gens". La première édition française a paru en 1707. "Juridique, politique, sociologique. Obligations quotidiennes de la vie humaine pour le simple citoyen et pour le souverain." (INED) INED : 219 (édition de 1718)