Leons professes au Collge de France. Recueillies par J. Funel. et revues par le Professeur. chez J.-B. Baillire, Paris / Londres, 1842. In-8 p. (mm. 226x146), 4 volumi, brossura orig. (con picc. manc.), pp. 316,48 (catalogo editoriale dei libri di medicina); (4),376; (4),471; (4),400,(2). Riedizione di questa imponente opera sulla fisiologia umana, frutto delle lezioni che il Magendie tenne al College de France, qui raccolte dal Funel (la prima ediz. di Parigi, 1836-1838).Il celebre fisiologo francese Franois Magendie (1783-1855), professore della facolt medica e medico aggiunto alla Salpetrire, fu professore di fisiologia e patologia generale al College de France e Vicepresidente dell'Accademia delle Scienze. Le sue ricerche riguardano la tossicologia, la farmacodinamica, la patologia generale, la termoregolazione, l'attivit cardiaca, la fisiologia della digestione e dell'assorbimento e il sistema nervoso. Cos Diz. Treccani,VII, p. 249.Cfr. Wellcome,IV,25 - Garrison and Morton,2217 per la I ediz.: Magendie, pioneer experimental physiologist, regarded pathology as only a modification of physiology, medicine the physiology of the sick man'. By him clinical medicine was reconstructed on physiological lines.Due volumi con uniformi arross., altrim. esempl. con barbe, pressoch intonso e ben conservato.
Reference : 99038
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Paris, Crochard, 1839.
Ces "Leçons" ont été données de 1836 à 1838, "recueillies par M. G. Funel et revues par le professeur." Le tome 4 est occupé par sa célèbre leçon : "Du sang et des altérations de ce liquide dans les maladies graves." La première page de la première leçon a été reliée par erreur en tête de la seconde. Des feuillets brunis au tome 1 et au début du tome 2. Exemplaire joliement relié. /// 4 volumes in-8 de 316 pp. / (4), 376 pp. / (4), 471 / (4), 400 (2) pp. Demi-basane bleue, dos orné en long. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// "From 1836 to 1838 Magendie delivered his famous lectures on the physical phenomena of life at the Collège de France. These lectures were dominated by two main ideas: to extend as far as possible the purely physical explanation of vital phenomena and to base medical practice on the certain knowledge of normal and pathological physiology." DSB 9, 11. Volume 4 is his famous lecture "Du sang". It showed that secondary or subsequent injections of egg/albumin caused death in rabbits who had tolerated an initial injection. This was the first experiment in anaphylaxis. "Magendie, pioneer experimentaI physiologist, regarded pathology as only a modification of physiology, 'medicine the physiology of the sick man'. By him clinical medicine was reconstructed on physiological lines." Garrison-Morton 2217. /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
P., Baillière, 1842, 4 VOLUMES in 8 reliés en demi-chagrin rouge (reliures de l'époque), (quelques rousseurs et cahiers uniformément jaunis comme souvent, mouillures dans l'angle supérieur des premiers feuillets aux tomes 3 et 4, trace de poussière en bordure d'un feuillet au tome 3), T.1 : 316pp., (1), T.2 : (2), 376pp., T.3 : (2), 471pp., T.4 : (2), 400pp., (1-errata)
---- OUVRAGE RARE ET BIEN COMPLET DE SES 4 VOLUMES ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- GARRISON N° 2217 : "Magendie, pioneer experimental physiologist, regarded pathology as only a modification of physiology, "medicine the physiology of the sick man". By him clinical medicine was reconstructed on physiological lines" ---- "These lectures were dominated by two main ideas : to extend as far as possible the purely physical explanation of vital phenomena and to base medical practice on the certain knowledge of normal and pathological physiology. Among the discoveries belonging to this period, the most interesting is that concerning the phenomenon later called anaphylaxis : Magendie ascertained that a second injection of egg white results in the death of rabbits that had tolerated perfectly well the first injection of the substance...". (DSB IX p. 10) ---- Le tome 4 contient les leçons sur le sang et ses altérations dans les maladies graves**3447/D3-3448/CAV.i5
Paris Baillière 1842 4 vol. in-8 br., couverture jaunes imprimées
1) 2 ff.n.ch., 316pp. 2) 2 ff.n.ch., 376pp. 3) 2 ff.n.ch., 471pp. 4) 2 ff.n.ch., 400 pp. 1 f.n.ch. d'errataLa rare seconde édition. "Magendie, pionnier experimental physiologist, regarded pathology as only a modification of physiology, "medecine the physiology of the sick man'. By him clinical medicine was reconstructed on the physiological lines"Très bon exemplaire tel que paru
1839 Montpellier, Castel, 1839. in-8 broché, 160 pages. Couverture poussiéreuse. Mouillures claires en marges.
Hommage autographe signé de l'auteur.
1839 Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1839. In-8 broché, 239 pages. Il manque la huitième leçon. Des rousseurs.