‎In ten volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The third edition, revised and augmented.... printed for Bathurst, Rivington, Payne, etc., London, 1785. In-8 p. (mm. 218x128), 10 volumi, p. vitellino coevo, filetti e titolo oro su tassello al dorso. L'opera è così composta:- Vol. 1°, pp. (4),IV,414, con 3 ritratti dell'A. e 1 tavola con il fac-simile della sua grafia. Introdotte da lunghe note, commenti, illustrazioni e vita del grande drammaturgo, vi sono contenute: Tempest - Two Gentlemen of Verona - Merry Wives of Windsor.- Vol. 2°, pp. (4),560, con: Measure for Measure - Comedy of Errors - Much ado about Nothing - Love's Labour Lost.- Vol. 3°, pp. (4),560, con: Midsummer Night's Dream - Merchant of Venice - As you like it - Taming the Shrew. - Vol. 4°, pp. (4),644, con: All's Well that Ends Well - Twelfth - Winter's Tale - Macbeth. - Vol. 5°, pp. (4),651, con King John - King Richard II - King Henry IV (part I - II), illustr. da 1 bella tavola inc. in rame e più volte ripieg., che raffigura i Morris Dancers. - Vol. 6°, pp. (4),584, con King Henry V - King Henry VI (Part I - II - III). - Vol. 7°, pp. (4),512, con King Richard III - King Henry VIII - Coriolanus (una carta con picc. manc. al margine bianco super.).- Vol. 8°, pp. (4),588, con Julius Caesar - Antony and Cleopatra - Timon of Athens - Titus Andronicus.- Vol. 9°, pp. (4),618, con Troilus and Cressida - Cymbeline - King Lear.- Vol. 10°, pp. (4), con Romeo and Juliet - Hamlet - Othello.Pagine con uniformi arross. più o meno lievi, ma complessivam. buon esemplare. ‎

Reference : 95487


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‎ 1833 London, printed and published by A. J. Valpy, 1833. Cet ouvrage est le quatrième tome (sur 15) de "The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare, with a Life, Glossarial Notes, and One Hundred and Seventy Illustrations from the Plates in Boydell's Edition. In fifteen Volumes". Petit in-16, 11 x 16 cm., 350 pp., orné de 16 illustrations hors texte dont une en frontispice. Reliure demi chagrin vert à coins, dos lisse avec des ornements dorés, pièces de titre et de tomaison de maroquin rouge, toutes tranches marbrées. Reliure usagée, sans manque. Dos passé et avec des épidermures, coins, coiffes et charnières frottés. Intérieur bien frais et en très bon état. EN ANGLAIS ‎

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