‎HOOKER Dalton Jospeh‎

‎Traduzione di N. Pedicino. Hoepli, Milano, 1878. In-24 gr., tela editoriale, pp. XI,127, con 68 inc. nel t. Ben conservato.‎

Reference : 86918


€70.00 (€70.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 60870


‎Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica. - [""HIS MOST INFLUENTIAL WORK""]‎

‎Stockholm, G. Kiesewetter, 1751. 8vo. In contemporary half calf. Extremities with wear. Boards with scratches with loss of the marbled paper. Capitals chipped and leather on spine cracked. Ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Occassional browning throughout. (6), 362 pp. + frontispiece and 11 plates. The portrait (frontispiece), present here, was only added to a few copies. Complete copies with portrait and all 11 plates are uncommon.‎

‎First edition of this first textbook of descriptive systematic botany and botanical Latin. It also contains Linnaeus's first published description of his binomial nomenclature. ‘Philosophia Botanica marks a developmental stage in Linnaeus's botanical philosophy, expanding upon concepts initially presented in his ‘Fundamenta Botanica’ (1736) and ‘Critica Botanica’ (1737). The book also establishes a basic botanical terminology. “Continuing his study on the classification of plants, Linnaeus published [the present work]. In this he attempted to organize a natural system based on structure, but this work was never completed” (Sparrow 135) “Linnaeus’ main mission was to complete his reform of botany. In the work produced during his stay in Holland he had established the principles, maintained more or less unchanged for the rest of his life, but they still had to be developed and put into practice. In 1751 he published Philosophies botanica, his most influential work but actually only an expanded version of Fundamenta botanica. In it Linnaeus dealt with the theory of botany, the laws and rules that the botanist must follow in order to describe and name the plants correctly and to combine them into higher systematic categories. At the same time he struggled with the enormous undertaking of cataloging all of the world’s plant and animal species and giving each its correct place in the system.” (DSB) Sparrow 135 Soulsby 437 Hulth p. 78.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,500.00 (€1,140.04 )


Reference : 60873


‎Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica.‎

‎Berlin, C. F. Himburg, 1790. 8vo. In contemporary marbled paper covered boards. A few annotations to pasted down front end-paper and stamp (Grevskabet Christiansholm) to pasted down front end-paper and front free end-paper. Wear to extremities and dampstain affecting upper margin on first few leaves, otherwise internally very nice and clean. (8), 364 pp. + frontispiece and 11 plates.‎

‎Third edition of this first textbook of descriptive systematic botany and botanical Latin. It also contains Linnaeus's first published description of his binomial nomenclature. ‘Philosophia Botanica marks a developmental stage in Linnaeus's botanical philosophy, expanding upon concepts initially presented in his ‘Fundamenta Botanica’ (1736) and ‘Critica Botanica’ (1737). The book also establishes a basic botanical terminology. “Continuing his study on the classification of plants, Linnaeus published [the present work]. In this he attempted to organize a natural system based on structure, but this work was never completed” (Sparrow 135)“Linnaeus’ main mission was to complete his reform of botany. In the work produced during his stay in Holland he had established the principles, maintained more or less unchanged for the rest of his life, but they still had to be developed and put into practice. In 1751 he published Philosophies botanica, his most influential work but actually only an expanded version of Fundamenta botanica. In it Linnaeus dealt with the theory of botany, the laws and rules that the botanist must follow in order to describe and name the plants correctly and to combine them into higher systematic categories. At the same time he struggled with the enormous undertaking of cataloging all of the world’s plant and animal species and giving each its correct place in the system.” (DSB) ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,800.00 (€375.54 )

‎Muriel Emsens ; Dirk Vandemeulebroecke ; vertaling : Hilde Pauwels‎

Reference : 60878


‎, Tijdsgeest BV /, 2009 Hardcover, 144 pagina's, NL, 310 x 310 x 22 mm, Nieuwstaat , met scherpe kleurenfoto's en mooie teksten, . ISBN 9789080583122.‎

‎Voor Muriel Emsens is fotografie niet alleen een beroep, het is een passie. Met haar foto's brengt ze een ode aan de gezichten, de landschappen, de sfeer en het kleine geluk van het alledaagse. Daarnaast werkt ze onvermoeibaar aan het archiveren van de plantenwereld, een artistiek oeuvre dat in alle eenzaamheid en tegen een rustig ritme tot stand komt. In dit boek toont ze ons hoe betoverend de natuur kan zijn. Haar po tische, geometrische, botanische of esthetische macro-opnamen van solitaire of volgens kleur, textuur of vorm gegroepeerde planten en bloemen, zijn nu eens abstract, dan weer hyperrealistisch. Ze zijn echter vooral n grote ode aan het leven. De foto's worden ingeleid door verschillende auteurs, die de lezer genoeglijk onderhouden over botanica en ecologie, maar ook over de filosofie van de tuinman en de relatie tussen de mens en de natuur. Zij bezingen de liefde voor het leven en willen in iedereen de ge nspireerde kunstenaar, het verwonderde kind, de gepassioneerde tuinman of de botanicus die gefascineerd is door harmonie wakker maken.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )


Reference : 46250

‎BOTANICA OCCITANA Tome 1: La garriga. BOTANICA OCCITANA, Tome 2: de la mar a la montanha ‎

‎ I.E.O., Editor 1989 in 8 (20,5x13,5) 2 volumes brochés, couvertures illustrées. BOTANICA OCCITANA La garriga (1997), 166 pages [1], avec de nombreuses illustrations. BOTANICA OCCITANA tome 2: de la mar a la montanha (1989), 241 pages, avec de nombreuses illustrations. Bel exemplaire ‎

‎Très bon Broché ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Gemma Venhuizen; Casper Cammeraat‎

Reference : 62956

‎Hemelsleutel : de Brinkkemper-collectie van botanica in de Lage Landen ‎

‎, Uitgeverij G.A. Van Oorschot B.V., 2023 Hardcover, 251 pag. NL.,245 x 180 mm, Nieuw, geillustreerde stofomslag, illustraties in kleur. ISBN 9789028231085.‎

‎Hemelsleutel is een schitterend ge llustreerd boek dat de schoonheid weerspiegelt van de oudste Nederlandse en Vlaamse planten- en kruidenboeken, gecombineerd met een plezierige en luchtige geschiedenis van de botanie. De platen zijn afkomstig uit de verzameling van Ed Brinkkemper. Hij houdt zich al tientallen jaren hartstochtelijk bezig met plantenboeken uit de Lage Landen, waar hij een imposante collectie van heeft opgebouwd: van Dodoens Cruijdeboeck uit 1554 tot de befaamde Flora Batava en J. Commelins Horti Medici Amstelodamensis uit 1697.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.50 (€39.50 )
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