Illustrated in a series of views taken expressly for this work by W.H. Bartlett, Esq. George Virtue, London, 1836. In-8 gr. (mm. 260x205), mz. pelle coeva con ang., ricca decorazione e titolo oro al dorso, tagli marmorizzati, pp. (2),IV,(2),188; (4),152; con 2 vignette incise alle antiporte che raffigurano un Cottage, near Thun, with dance of peasants e The Devil's Bridge, scene of action. L'opera è corredata di 106 bellissime tavole f.t. inc. su acciaio, da disegni espressamente realizzati da Bartlett, che rappresentano romantiche vedute delle più pittoresche località; in fine al 2° volume una carta geografica della Svizzera, più volte ripieg., disegnata ed incisa da T. Starling. "Edizione originale" di questa dettagliata descrizione dei 22 Cantoni svizzeri, con notizie storiche, climatiche, geologiche, ecc. e appunti su usi e costumi, aneddoti e tradizioni. Cfr. Imhof Cat. Bibl. Centrale Club Alpino Svizzero, p. 152 - Brunet,I,714.Nel 1° vol. fiorit. al verso di ca. 15 tavv. che solo su alcune appaiono in forma molto leggera anche al recto dell'immagine, altrimenti esemplare ben conservato.
Reference : 6543
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1789 2 vols. xxi, 1099, [24 = index] p., 5 pls, new brown hcloth with marbled covers. Two maps are missing, one plate damaged and repaired, Library stamps of the New York Historical Society and an old presentation inscription by James Smith to the same Society.This book is written in the form of 90 letters and is reporting on the most interesting sites, and their cantons, including travel experiences, and facts about the geography (glaciers, lakes, rivers, etc.), nature, inhabitants and politics and history (foreign service, battles, international relations, etc.). The supplements and the appendix in the second volume includes a ''Faunula Helvetica: or, a Catalogue of the Quadrupeds, Birds, Amphibia, Fishes, and Testaceous Animals of Switzerland'' (pp. 449-511).
1860 [6], 116, 24 p., 4 figs, 7 pls, 1 dfolded tinted map, frontispiec, contemporary green embossed cloth. With ex libris and previous owner's name on half-title. The last 24 pages are a list of books for sale at the publishers (Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts). A good copy.
1959 192 p., 36 figs, 6 folded enclosures in rear pocket, paperbound. Thesis.
1896 (2nd ed.) xxxv, 480 p., 154 figs, frontispiece, 1 folded map, publisher's decorated cloth. A very good tight bound copy.
Verkauf Pro Band/ Vendu Par volume.
21) Lunn, Arnold: Switzerland in english prose and poetry. ‘The new Alpine library’. 1947, ill. cloth (worn) 20.- / 22) NATAN, Alex: Swiss men of letters. London, Oswald Wolff, 1970, 288 p.22) EPSTEIN, E. v. Take me to your chalet.1982. 15.-23) BILTON, P. Xenophobe’s guide to the Swiss. 1995. 10.-24) EPSTEIN, E. v. Who put the WIT in sWITzerland. 1993. 15.-25) Ticking along with the Swiss. (1995). 15.- Image disp.
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