Libri cinque. presso Giuseppe Raimondi, Napoli, 1750 (ma 1751). In-8 p. (mm. 214x144), cartonato muto coevo, pp. (16),370,(6), ornato da fregi e grandi iniz. figur. a vignetta inc. su legno. La dedica al Re Carlo, Re di Napoli, di Sicilia, e di Gerusalemme, Infante di Spagna &c &c è dello stampatore Raimondi. Di Galiani è invece il lungo Proemio che introduce alla lettura del trattato, e in cui è tracciata anche una breve rassegna degli studi in materia monetaria prodotti fino a quel momento da altri autori, e tutti giudicati in qualche modo insoddisfacenti.Rara "prima edizione" di questa opera di fondamentale importanza per la storia dell'economia. E' datata 1750, ma in realtà fu stampata, anonima, nel 1751.Il Galiani (1728-1787), economista e letterato, a 16 annni scriveva dissertazioni di argomento politico, economico e archeologico; a 23 il classico trattato "Della Moneta", in cui è esposta una limpidissima teoria del valore, basato sull'utilità e rarità dei beni, che, precorrendo la moderna economia, tende a dimostrare come dai rapporti tra domanda e offerta nasca l'equilibrio del tutto.. E' il caso di ricordare il giudizio entusiasta di J.A. Schumpeter, per il quale il Galiani eleva la fatica alla dignità di unico fattore di produzione, la considera l'unica circostanza che dà valore alla cosa'. Tuttavia il libro del Galiani fu quasi del tutto ignorato dai maggiori economisti dell'800 (ad eccezione di Marx), anche perchè esso non fu tradotto, nemmeno dopo la seconda ediz. del 1780 (così Diz. Biogr. Italiani,LI, pp. 456-58).<br> Cfr. Cat. Bibl. Einaudi,I,2329 - Tremolada Cat. Bibl. Mattioli,1373 (prima edizione, seconda tiratura, come la nostra) - Kress,5034 - Goldsmiths,8528.Esemplare ben conservato.
Reference : 58365
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Napoli, Stamperia Simoniana, 1780. 4to. In contemporary full vellum with leather title label with gilt lettering to spine. Occassionally brownspotted throughout, otherwise a good copy. (28), 416 pp.
Second edition, supplemented with a preface, notes and an epilogue, remarking on the change in the current situation since the first edition, of this groundbreaking work in monetary economics, considered one of the first specific treatises on economics. Galiani's treatise, first printed anonymously in 1751, was not just a work of economics;"" it was based on the principal that freedom was important for society to work properly and it became very influential in subsequent monetary theory - """"This is the best of the many treatises published in Italy on money"""" (McCulloch). Most of Galiani’s theoretical work can be found in his ‘Della moneta’. Despite the variety of topics addressed in the book, the basic contributions concern value and monetary theory and the so called paradox of value which according to Schumpeter he ‘carried this analysis to its 18th-century peak’ (History of Economic Analysis, p.300). “Besides being a policy paper – stressing, in Vico’s tradition, the importance of happiness and utility and arguing that policy does not have principles, hence different economic policies are needed in different times – Della moneta is also a sophisticated theoretical treatise. The latter is probably the highest analysis on the nature of money, its value and the implications of different policies on prices, supply and demand of goods and equilibrium. In the tradition of Montanari and Davanzati, Galiani develops a subjective value theory on philosophical and psychological grounds. The value of anything is something that human human beingsdetermine for themselves naturally, through their own mutual agreement. Utility equals happiness and is inversely proportional to rarity""; value is a function of marginal utility;"" no lawm nor governments, should therefore try to impose estimates of value (‘alzamento’) on others, because this coercion would eventually ruin and corrupt the natural order of things. In the treatise he challenged both Broggio, Locke and above all Jean-Francois Melon, whose work he knew through his uncle Celestino. He proclaims his debt to a long tradition of studies on money and on monetary theory: from Aristotle, to the Spanish theologians of the School of Salamanca, Bernardo Davanzati and William Petty, showing the breadth of his reading and the quality of sources.” (Books that Made Europe). Ferdinando Galiani was a leading Italian figure of the Enlightenment and one of the most notable Italian economists of all time. Friedrich Nietzsche referred to him as """"a most fastidious and refined intelligence"""" as well as """"... the most profound, sharp-sighted and perhaps also the foulest man of his century."""" Kress I. B 275. Einaudi 2330 Mattioli 1374 McCulloch p. 190
In Firenze, Appresso Andrea Bonducci, 1751. Titles printed in red and black, large folding table, engraved vignette on title of first volume. Two volumes in one. xxxiii, (1, blank), 191 (misnumbered 189), (1, blank) pp.; xxiii, (1, blank), 316, (2), 116 pp. 4to. Contemporary Italian vellum boards, label with gilt lettering to spine, a very nice copy. Einaudi 3476; Goldsmiths 8635; Higgs 115; Yolton 164 (only four copies); Attig 507; Kress, Italian Economic Literature, i, 275. First Italian edition, rare. A very good copy of this handsomely printed book translating John Locke's Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and Raising the Value of Money (1692) and Further Considerations concerning Raising the Value of Money (1695), the only early translation of Locke's papers on money, based on the folio Works of 1740, and is furnished with extensive footnotes by the translators Giovanni Pagnini and Angelo Tavanti. At the end of the second volume is a 116 pages essay by Pagnini on the correct price and value of money entitled Essay on the just price of things, the correct value of money and on the trade of the Romans. Pagnini was destined to become one of the major economic historians in the eighteenth century with the publication of his History of the tithe in 1765-66.The year of publication of this translation, and the translation itself, represent an interesting moment in time: 1751 is also the year Galiani's famous and important Della Moneta was published. Galiani's roots were firmly planted in the southern culture which had been rekindled by the work of Locke and Newton. One of Galiani's first intellectual undertakings had been the translation of Locke's essay on financial problems, which he dropped when he heard that in Florence another version was being produced, edited by Pagnini and Tavanti (the present work) (Carpanetto and Ricuperati, Italy in the Age of Reason 1685-1789, p. 250). - Front paste-down with a few wormtracks, an old bookplate verso of the front blank, a very fine large paper copy, printed on heavy paper.
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75
Genova, Tipografia Ferrando, 1841. 2 volumes in-8 de XVIII-[2]-284 et 298-[2] pages, demi-chagrin marron, dos à nerfs, titre doré, couvertures conservées, non rognés. Reliure moderne, armoiries non identifiées au dos.
Illustré de figures in-texte et de 7 planches (2+5) hors-texte. Édition originale. Divisé en quatre livres, comme suit: libri I: Della zecca genovese innanzi all'anno 1139; libri II: Della moneta genovese dopo li privilegio di Corrado II re de' Romani; libri III Della seria metallica; libri IV: Delle valutazione delle monete. Bel exemplaire en parfaite condition.
Dalla decadenza dell'Impero sino al secolo Decimosettimo. Haja, 1751. In-8 gr. (mm. 249x180), p. pergam. mod., tit. oro al dorso, 8 cc.nn., 220 pp.num., con 2 tavv. inc. in rame f.t. che raffigurano monete, e 2 tabelle ripieg. "Prima edizione" di questo importante studio che offre una più completa visione d'insieme dei problemi della moneta e del commercio dall'antichità ai giorni nostri.Cfr. Cat. Bibl. Einaudi,I,898 - Kress,5100 - Cossa,119 - Melzi,II,286: "Sono due dissertazioni le quali vennero ristampate a Mantova nel 1754 ed a Milano nel 1785.. Primo saggio del Carli su le monete".<br>Solo lievi aloni al frontesp., altrim. fresco esemplare ben conservato.
Reference : 37177
Roma. Istituto Italiano di Numismatica. 1969. In-8. Br. 238 p. + XVII planches. Textes en Italien, Anglais et Français. Bon état.