L'Eroica, Milano, 1919-1941. In-16 p., 9 opere in 2 volumi, mz. pelle mod. con ang., dorso a cordoni con filetti e tit. oro. Sotto questo titolo fittizio sono state raccolte 9 opere di Vittorio Locchi (1 è di Cozzani, dedicata al Locchi), per lo più della Collana "I Gioielli dell'Eroica", tutte illustrate da xilografie originali. Vi sono contenute:"L'uragano", 1934, pp. 152,(2) - "Tersite", 1941, pp. 83,(5). Prima ediz. postuma (n. 35 della Collana) - COZZANI E., "Come visse e come mori' Vittorio Locchi", 1937, pp. 213,(3). Prima edizione (nn. 32-33-34) - "La sveglia, il testamento", 1928, pp. 50,(14) (n. 4) - "La sagra di Santa Gorizia", 1937, pp. 78,(4) (n. 2) - "I sonetti della malinconia", 1930, pp. 58,(4) (n . 5) - "Le canzoni del Giacchio", 1919, pp. 51,(5) - "Singhiozzi e risa", 1920, pp. 67,(11) (n. 10) - "Elegie del sereno", 1934, pp. 60,(4). Esemplare lievem. corto di margine, mancante di tutte le bross. orig., peraltro ben conservato. .
Reference : 51084
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Kopenhagen, Mummischen Buchhandlung, 1760 - 1761. 8vo. Uniformly bound in three contemporary half calf bindings. Previous owner's name and a few annotation to pasted down front end-paper. A nice set. (16), 461, (2) pp. (10), 526 pp." (24), 287, (1) pp.
Exceedingly rare first complete German translation of Dubos’ seminal work in aesthetic thought which had a profound influence on the development of theatrical art and music throughout the Enlightenment. Here Dubos asserts that art cannot merely be beautiful but must also move the heart: “Le sublime de la poésie et de la peinture est de toucher et de plaire"". “It was not until 1760 and 1761, some four decades after the publication of the first edition of the original, that the first complete translation of the Réflexions critiques into German appeared in Copenhagen. The anonymous translator was Gottfried Benedict Funk, who at that time worked as a tutor for the court preacher Johann Andreas Cramer in Copenhagen, in a circle of Enlightenment thinkers sometimes called Kopenhagener Kreis (Copenhagen circle). Funk substitutes (albeit inconsistently) the French literary examples referred to by Du Bos with German ones, his choice testifying to aesthetic influences of this circle.[86] For lack of competence, he deals with music only marginally, the exception being references to the oratorio Der Tod Jesu (1755) by Karl Wilhelm Ramler and Carl Heinrich Graun.” (Lessmann, From the Ear to the Heart: Music Listening, Pleasure, and the German Reception of Du Bos). Dubos was a pioneer of sensibility in an era dominated by Cartesian rationalism. His work had a profound impact and earned high praise from Voltaire in multiple writings and served as the foundation for the fine arts sections of Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie.
Berlin, Maurer=Greiner, 1883. Orig. decorated full cloth. Gilt back. A paperlabel on lower part of back. Stamp on title. VI,309 pp. Clean and fine.
Amsterdam, Depens de la Compagnie, 1733. 8vo. In a nice contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with five raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Boards with a few scratches, front board with some loss of leather. Internally very nice and clean. (2), XI, (5), 280, (8) pp.
Dessau, Kosten der Verlags-Kasse, 1782 - 1783. 8vo. Uniformly bound in two contemporary full calf bindings with five raised bands and richly gilt spines. All edges coloured in red. Wear to extremities, with slight loss of leather to spineends, showing headbands. Previous owner's stamp to both title-pages. Previous owner's name stamped to both title-pages. XVI, 374, (16) pp. (6), 454, (10) pp.
First edition of Herder’s work on the aesthetic, spiritual and cultural dimensions of Hebrew poetry. Herder believed that understanding ancient Hebrew poetry was essential to grasp the development of human expression and the human spirit. He emphasizes the poetic quality of the Bible not merely as a religious text but as an expression of the human experience and emotional life.
Leipzig, Wittwe, 1787. 2 cont. hcalf. Gilt backs. Slight wear. XVI,374,(16),(6),454,(10) pp. Ocassional a little brownspotted.