‎Cum absolutis commentariis Aelii Donati, Guidonis Iuvenalis, Petri Marsi in omnes fabulas, Ioannis Calphurnii in Heautontimorumenon.... apud Hieronymum Scotum, Venetiis, 1569. In-4 p. (mm. 303x203), p. pergamena antica (dorso restaur.), 10 cc.nn., 380 pp.num., con marca tipografica al frontespizio e al fine; testo su due colonne, ornato da fregi, grandi capilettera figur. e con 12 piccole vignette, due per ciascuna delle sei commedie (Andria - Eunuchus - Heautontimorumenos - Adelphi - Hecyra - Phormio), inc. su legno. "Accedunt Antonii Goveani Epistola ad Guillelmum Bellaium.. Bartolomaei Latomi in singulas scenas argumenta.. Henrici Loriti in carmina Terentii per omnes eius comoedias iudicium..". Cfr. Adams,II,363 - The British Library, p. 664. Frontesp. con antico restauro al marg. infer. bianco; piccolo foro che intacca alc. lettere alla pag. 226; leggerm. corto del margine super., qualche lieve uniforme arross. ma certamente un buon esemplare.‎

Reference : 44727


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‎Aristophanis. - Aristophane.‎

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‎Aristophanis Comoediae Undecim, Graece et Latine, ex Codd. Mss. emendatae : cum Scholiis Antiquis, inter quae Scholia in Lysistratam ex Cod. Vossiano nunc Primum in Lucem Prodeunt. Accedunt Notae Virobum Doctorum in Omnes Comoedias ; inter quas nunc Primum Eduntur Isaaci Casauboni in Equites ; Illustriss. Ezech. Spanhemii in tres priores : et Richardi Bentleji in duas priores Comoedias observationes. Omnia collegit et recensuit, notasque in novem comoedias, et quatuor indices in fine adjecit Ludolphus Kusterus J. U. D.‎

‎ Excusum Amstelodami - Amsterdam, Sumptibus Thomae Fritsch, Bibliop. Lipsiensis 1710, 410x245mm, reliure plein parchemin de l’époque, dos à 7 nerfs, plats ornés à froid, tranches jaspées, déchirure au bas du dos, autrement en bon état. ‎

‎ 7 ff., XXVIII-, 580 p., 324 p. Notae, 30 ff. index, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

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‎Comoediae undecim, graece et latine, ex Codd. Mss. emendatae: Cum Scholiis Antiquis, inter quae scholia lysistratem ex Cod. Vossiano nunc primum in lucem prodeunt. Accedunt Notae Virorum Doctorum in omnes Comoedias" inter quas nunc primum eduntur Isaa...‎

‎Bound in a fine cont. full calf with richly gilt back, 7 raised bands and red titlelabel. Both covers richly gilt, with two rectangular gilt borders inside eachother and inside the smallest, a large gilted centerpiece consisting of a crown and the godess over whom the inscription: ""Pallas Minerva Sospitatrix Urbium"". Front-hinge loosening, leather at back-hinge cracking, but not loose. Corners a bit bumped. Title in red/ blackwith engraved vignette. (12),XXVIII,580,(59) pp. Margins sometimes with single pencil-signs. Otherwise internally fine. Greek and latin text. With engraved bookplate of William Arthur Sixth - Duke of Portland - K.G.‎

‎Brunet I:453: ""Cette belle édition, que recommandent ses notes savantes, a été longtemps fort recherchée..."" Dibdin pp. 299-300: ""This excellent edition, emphaticaly called ""Editio Optima,"" contains, for the first time, some new scholia on the ""Lysistrato" some notes of Isaac Casaubon on the Equites" and of Spanheim and Bentley on a few of the earlier plays. P. 299, note: Ludolph Kuster, the editor of this magnificent work...""‎


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‎P. Terentii Aphri Comoediae sex. post omnes omnium editiones summa denuo vigilantia nunc recognitae. Additis nonnullis in margine adnotationibus. Suis, etiam sua Prologis argumenta adiecimus. Gryphe. Lyon. 1565.‎

‎1 volume in-12° relié plein basane marron marbrée XVIIe siècle, dos à nrefs décoré, pièce de titre de maroquin rouge, découpe de 1,5 cm sur la page de titre manque le nom d'éditeur et la ville. 1 f.nchf. (titre) et 160 p. Très bon état. ‎

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